(south side) 9/229 Nos. 31 (Ari-Jaba),
31.10.66 33 and 35 (formerly
listed as Nos. 31, 33
and 35 (Holmwood, Ari-
Jaba and another), as
on the N side of West
Street) GV II House, now 3 cottages. C15 and c.1600, extended in C17, altered in C18 and
early C19. Timber framed, mainly plastered, with some exposed framing and
weatherboarding, roofed with handmade red plain tiles. 2-bay hall facing N,
with C19 stack in left bay, and catslide extension to rear. Service bay to
left, with C17 rear stack, and C17 extension beyond, splayed outwards to follow
the property boundary. 2-bay parlour crosswing to right, c.1600, with rear
stack and C17 extension beyond. C20 single-storey extensions to rear of left
wing and hall range. 2 storeys. 4-window range of early C19 sashes of 16
lights, with crown glass. One C19 half-glazed door (no. 31) and 2 C20 replicas,
each with one stone step. The framing of the upper part of the hall is exposed;
at each end is a blocked 3-light window with moulded mullions and surround, and
late C19 reproduction trefoiled ogee tracery. Some weatherboarding on right
return (no. 35). C18 plaster eaves coving at front and both returns. Hipped
continuous roof. The rear elevation of the hall range (no. 33) has one C19
horizontal sash of 12 lights. No. 31 (the left end) has a chamfered axial beam
with step stops, with mortices and wattle groove for a former partition,
interrupted for a doorway at right, indicating that originally a shop occupied
the front bay. Replaced joists, much replaced studding in left ground-floor
wall. Large wood-burning hearth with exceptionally wide left jamb. Blocked
unglazed window in upper storey of left wall, with shutter groove. No access to
roof. The hall range has been raised approximately 1.20 metres to align with
the crosswings. The framing at both ends of the hall is exposed, with display
bracing trenched into it; at the right end the pattern of smoke-blackening and
weathering clearly defines the line of the original roof. Central tiebeam
severed for doorway. Disused C19 hearth. The right crosswing has a chamfered
binding beam with lamb's tongue stops, and plain joists of vertical section;
cambered tiebeam, the braces to it missing. On the first floor, one C18 2-panel
door. Simple dogleg stair with chamfered posts and handrails, probably early
C18. RCHM 87A (not marked on RCHM map, p. 119, but identifiable by the
description. The RCHM was in error in reporting the tracery as original. It is
high quality late C19 work of the Coggeshall school, the tracery at right made
to fit the distorted frame).
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