TL 72 SE (east side) 1/55 Appletree Farm Cottage GV II House. Circa 1500, altered c.1600 and in C20. Timber framed, plastered, roofed
with handmade red plain tiles. 2-bay hall facing SW, parlour/solar bay to left.
Original service bay to right demolished, replaced by early Cl? extension.
Stack in rear wall near left end, enclosed by C18/19 lean-to extension. C20
lean-to extension to rear of right end. One storey with attics. 4 C20
casements, and 2 more in gabled dormers. C20 door at front of gabled porch.
Rear stack rebuilt in C20 above roof level. Jowled posts, heavy studding,
edge-halved and bridled scarfs in both wallplates, main frame chamfered with
step stops. The hall has an original rear doorway with plain doorhead at the
right end, front door blocked, cambered central tiebeam, diamond mortices and
shutter rebate in front wallplate for large unglazed window (sill and transom
missing), blocked single doorway to service end. Inserted floor comprising
chamfered transverse beam with lamb's tongue stops, plain joists of vertical
section supported on clamps. The original studded partition at the left end of
the hall has been removed on the ground floor, but is present above to the
tiebeam, with smoke-blackening; the studs above the tiebeam have been replaced.
A framed doorway has been inserted in the tiebeam in the C17, reinforced later
by iron strapping, with 2 pintle hinges in doorpost. The rear stack has a wide
wood-burning hearth of C16 bricks, entirely repointed and reduced for a C20
grate; the left jamb is 0.33 metre wide, the right jamb is 0.23 metre wide,
indicating some alteration; a smaller C19 hearth faces into the rear lean-to.
The present floor in the left (parlour/solar) bay is not original, comprising a
chamfered axial beam with lamb's tongue stops and plain joists of vertical
section, late C17/early C18. The original studded partition at the right end of
the hall is heavily weathered to the right; the floor in the right end bay
comprises a chamfered axial beam with step stops, and plain joists of horizontal
section supported on clamps. The roof has been altered. Probably RCHM 9.
Shown on L/2500 OS map (1970 edition) as Appletree Farm.
Listing NGR: TL7878720395
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