(south-west side) 7/3 No. 1
3.2.86 - II* House. Circa 1300, altered in C16 and 1985. Timber framed, plastered, roofed
with handmade red clay tiles. 2 bays of an aisled hall aligned NE-SW, with an
C18/19 axial stack in the SW bay, and an originally storeyed parlour/solar bay
to the SW; both aisles present. Crosswing to NE, 1985. One storey with attics.
SE elevation, 2 hardwood casements, and 2 more in gabled dormers, inserted in
1985. C20 half-glazed door. The mainspan is 3.75 metres, each aisle span 0.69
metre. The parlour/solar bay is 3.05 metres long, the 'high end' bay of the
hall 1.82 metres long, beyond which was originally a third hall bay and a
service bay, now missing; the hall is truncated by an old brick wall, now
incorporated in the 1985 crosswing. (All measurements are between the surfaces
of the posts). 6 arcade posts are present, of which the 2 NE posts are severed
at first-floor level and supported on a transverse beam. A mortice in the NW
arcade plate indicates the position of another arcade post, formerly part of a
spere truss, beyond which no original structure survives. The arcade posts are
scribed to fit the original waney surface of the arcade plates, and those of the
hall are trenched for passing-braces to the NE. All posts are unjowled. 2
sections of the NW arcade plate remain in situ, replaced by a later hardwood
plate in the SW bay of the hall. Near the NE end one slightly curved arcade
brace of square section, unchamfered, is tenoned to the arcade plate, and there
is an empty mortice for another. Rising mortices in the posts indicate the
positions of other arcade braces and braces to the tiebeams; only the SW tiebeam
remains in situ. The SE arcade plate has been replaced by later hardwood. All
original timbers of the hall are heavily smoke-blackened. Diamond mortices in
the NW wallplate indicate the position of an original hall window; the form of
the aisles is present, but elsewhere there is much replacement hardwood. The
parlour/solar bay is largely intact. 2 slightly curved arcade braces, chamfered
with runout stops, are lap-jointed to the NW arcade plate. The NW aisle wall
retains original studs at approx. 0.30 metre intervals, and one curved tension
brace trenched to the outside - a rare survival. A short section of the NW
wallplate has been replaced, joined to the original with an edge-halved and
bridled scarf, indicating a C15/C16 repair. In the soffit of the SW tiebeam 3
diamond mortices indicate the position of an original central window; the sill
is missing, but mortices in the posts indicate its position. The E arcade post
of the parlour is rebated for a door (from hall to parlour), and on the hall
side retains a short length of slightly curved passing-brace, and the matrix of
an open notched lap joint with refined entry, for a rising brace. The original
floor structure is intact, comprising longitudinal plain joists of horizontal
section and a trimmed stair trap against the partition; owing to subsidence or
rising ground level the joists have been raised 0.38 metre. Some
smoke-blackened rafters are present, re-set. One has 2 trenches for a gable
smoke vent, another has a peghole for the vent structure; others have a single
trench for a collar. 2 features of this building are rare, or possibly unique -
the surviving part of the NW aisle wall, and the combination of lap-jointed and
tenoned braces to the same arcade plate. This house is the oldest secular
building in the parish. Measured drawings by R. Shackle of the Essex Historic
Buildings Group will be deposited with Essex Record Office and the National
Monuments Record.
Listing NGR: TL8559930754
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