Penton Close GV II House, former rectory. c1860. Brick and flint walls, with a tiled roof. An
elaborate Tudor/Gothic design with a near-symmetrical front (east) of 2 storeys
and attic, 1.1.1 windows, extended northwards with a wing of 1 storey, 1.1.
windows. A centrepiece projects forward to form a deep porch, with diagonal
buttresses, and the openings at each side are set in slight projections: the
centre has a steep gable and the side units ) gables supporting attic windows
(with a gable above forminga dormer): the wing is set back, with the let window
set within a gabled projection. The gables and cheeks of the dormer are hung
with patterned tiles and the fronts have wavy pierced bargeboards. The centre
gable (with attic window) has a plain bargeboard above a verge comprising a stepped
brick fascia with dentils above and diagonal dentils below; this pattern is
repeated at the (lower) eaves moulding to the front, the lower dentils omitted
across the projections. The walls are of yellow brickwork, with a rich panelwise
decoration of flush squared knapped flintwork, with raised brick crosses on shields
within the larger panels; 1st floor weathered moulding, plain plinth: the window
openings are chamfered, and there is a hoodmould above the wide Tudor arch of the
porch, the feet of the buttresses extend to a short pier with a Gothic stone cap.
Casements, with transoms to the ground floor, of 3 lights at the south side and 4
at the north; above the porch is a splayed oriel with transoms tiled roof, and
moulded base. Within the porch, which has a traceried window at each side, there
are small traceried lights on each side of the plain doorways, .the door being ½-
glazed. The wing has the same elevation treatement with a stepped hoodmould and .
shields within the gable. The rear elevation has similar detailing, but is
a symmetrical, with a wide gable at the south side containing an attic window above
a 2 storeyed splayed bay; a recessed centre has an oriel (staircase) window above
a blind Tudor arch. The south elevation has an .elaborate stepped chimney stack,
with arched recesses, and 5 octagonal flues. The northside lower wings ends in a
double gable, the west sideprojection to form an arched porch. at the corner, from
which extends a narrow westward service wing; the elevations on this side are
plain, of red brickwork in Flemish bond with blue headers, casement windows and
arched entrances. The staircase and entrance hall are original.
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