SP 03 SW
(east side)
3/97 Farm buildings, Ireley Farm
Farmstead. Various dates in second half C19, for Toddington
Estate. Coursed, squared stone, projecting ashlar quoins to stable
and barn range; ashlar to front of hackney stable; stone slates.
Buildings around main yard, around 2 sides of adjoining yard,
further wing other side. Mainly single storey, stable and granary
lofted. Barn range, facing house (projecting wing away from road);
single bay on right, slightly lower and narrower than rest:
boarded door, stone lintel (rooms for poultry). To left, blank
wall, quoins each end, boarded door to granary stairs, double
boarded doors and boarding, timber lintel and rendered panel over.
Double boarded doors, stone lintel: 3-bay barn on left, slightly
lower: double boarded doors with cambered timber lintel, slit air
vents each side with 3 short cross slits. Interior: right end
lofted, interrupted tie-beam trusses: through driveway with later
opening to barn: porch on far end. Barn with collar and tie-beam
trusses, 2 pairs purlins.
Opening to yard on left, lofted stable beyond, raised quoins:
boarded door with small window each side, with stone lintels., To
left, range at right angles, passage, 3 boarded doors with
alternating windows, glass over hit-and-miss ventilators: 2
cowhouses, originally with feeding passage. Return wing on left:
2 pigsties with semi-circular heads to openings, 3 loose boxes for
horses, may originally have been nag stable and coach house, one
single and one paired stable doors; better-quality stonework,
courses sloping to follow line of ground. Separate, return wing to
barn, cowhousing, 2-bay stone front alternating doors and windows
as opposite, 7-bay partly boarded front, originally open for loose
yard cattle. Paved causeway all round yard. Further 2 yards for
loose cattle behind, sheds of 2 periods, 6 and 10 bays, original
trough survives: cartshed on end nearest stable, opening away from
yard, 3-bay with no support to front, trusses with bolted gusset to
front, tie-beam and collar, iron queen post, supported by trussed
beam set back from wallplate. A good set of little-altered C19
farm buildings; forms group with Ireley Farmhouse (q.v.).
Listing NGR: SP0374830447