4/135 (north side)
23.6.52 Wresden Farmhouse, Mill
and attached barn
(formerly listed as
Wresden Farmhouse
(sometimes known as
Eyles House) including
attached cloth store
and barn) II*
Mill house, mill, and barn, now farmhouse and barn. 1668 and 1687 with C19 wing and
C19 barn. Limestone rubble, stone slate roof, concrete tile to former mill unit.
Original house plain gabled building with cross passage, approached on north side by
two-storey porch; to this a large return wing added on the west, and attached to the
east gable the two-storey mill; beyond this, at right angles, at the east end, the
barn. North, or entrance front in 2 storeys with, left, in the mill, two circular under two
small elliptical 'pitching eyes', and to house proper 2-light stone mullioned
casements, with stopped drip, left of gabled porch, pargetted in upper level with date
stone 'IEE 1687'; under this old plank door in heavy moulded frame, and, built in to
porch entry, some C17 turned balusters. On south front, two storeys, three windowed
to first floor, four windowed below, 2 or 3-light casements; in mill, right, 4 modern
windows. In south gable, 3-storeys, tablet records '1668 IE Rebuilt 1845'. Interior: large fireplace in room to right of porch, fire back dated 1684; stair by
stack at upper level, bowed collar roof, built-in Jacobean bed. This was the mill of
John Eyles, d 1731 at the age of 91, and the first maker of Spanish Cloth in Uley.
The mill said to be 'one of the oldest in Gloucestershire' [Tann]. Barn in 3 bays, half-hipped north end, gabled cant entrance, pair old plank doors on
peg hinges, slits to south gable. See Jennifer Tann, Gloucestershire Woollen Mills,
Listing NGR: ST7721698027
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Books and journals Tann, J, Gloucestershire Woollen Mills, (1967)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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