(south-west side) 13/166 No 4 (Harwood House) GV II
House: early-mid C17, altered probably early C19; rough render to
facade, plain render to plinth, tiled roof: brick-nogged timber-
framing to right gable, weatherboarding over. 3-window wide, L-
plan, 2 storeys and attics, 2 rooms deep. Central front door,
single stone step, half-glazed with marginal lights over 2 flush
panels, plain rectangular fanlight. Moulded surround, consoles
and shaped brackets to open pediment. On right C20 three-light
mullion and transom window, flat head: below flat head to boarded
cellar opening. On left 21-pane shop window, between pilasters to
ground, flat top with brackets, deep fascia and weatherboard. To
left boarded door to side passage, steep segmental head. First
floor a 3-light mullion and transom window, flat head, over each
ground floor window; small, 4-pane window over side entry.
Moulded timber eaves: two 3-light hipped dormers, iron opening
casement, leaded lights. Large chimney in angle with rear wing:
lean-to to rest of rear. Plain brick chimney from eaves at right
end, front.
Internally heavy chamfers to ceiling beams, ground floor: large,
ashlar base to chimney. Splat balusters to stairs, probably
repositioned. Roof 2 long bays, cut tie-beam truss. Front wall
to attic exposed timber-framing internally, square panels, and
panels with multiple diagonal timbers. Originally a large,
timber-framed house, later refronted.
Listing NGR: SO7224325818
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