(south side) 13/95 Nos 29 and 31 (Post Office)
(formerly listed as Post Office)
2.10.54 GV II Post office and house; early C18, early C19, altered C20; Flemish
bond brickwork, pale to wall, red to quoins and openings, tiled
roof: brick to extension (No 29) red. Four windows wide, 'L' plan,
2 storeys and attic. Original building 3 windows wide,
symmetrical. Front door up 2 stone steps, 6 fielded panels, 3-pane
rectangular fanlight, moulded surround, flat projecting hood with
fluted frieze and small dentils over, below moulded cornice. To
left sash window, flat, rubbed-brick arch with projecting, capped
brick keystone. Below segmental head to cellar opening at ground
level. To right mid to late C20 four-light mullion and transom
window: lintel of original sash window survives above. First floor
3 sash windows, as ground floor, but with stone keystones: centre
window segmental head and fluted keystone. Modillion eaves
cornice, hipped roof with chimney each end: 3 hipped dormers, slate
cheeks, 2-light casement windows. One bay extension on right: 6-
panel door up 1 stone step, top panels-glazed, centre fielded,
bottom flush, in moulded surround, flat, projecting hood. To right
4-pane wide sash windows, with slightly cambered rubbed-brick arch.
Similar window first floor; separate hipped roof, chimney on right
Listing NGR: SO7235925888
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