SO 73 SW 5/61 Gamage Hall II Farmhouse. C17, early C18, mid C19; mid C20. Brick front,
irregular bond on right ground floor, otherwise Flemish: right
gable random rubble stone: rear left English garden wall bond
brick, right rear wing random rubble stone ground floor, brick-
nogged timber framing above. Tiled roof. Four-window front,
single room deep on right, 2 on left (slightly wider), rear wing on
right, all 2 storeys. Front: 6-panel front door right of centre,
marked as double doors, under C19 gabled, single-storey open porch
reusing C17 timbers. To right 4-light mullion and transom window,
cambered brick arch. To left 2 sash windows, flat, splayed brick
head, bricks intersecting in centre. First floor 4-light mullion
and transom to right, 3-light over door, both with cambered brick
arch. To left, 2 sashes as ground floor. Dentil eaves: gable
chimney on ridge on right: large external chimney on left gable,
surrounded by mid C20 leanto, rebuild of 2-storey single bay end to
house following fire. Rear wing, stone steps to upper floor in
angle with house. Internally, left wall of entrance hall timber
framed: 6-panel fielded doors. On right wide chamfer to ceiling
beam, pyramid bar stop. On left shutters to sashes, 2-panel door
to rear room, reset turned balusters to stair landing, 2-panel door
above. Roof remade in C19, king-post trusses with bolts on left,
collar, tie beam and angle struts on right. Possibly timber-
framed house rebuilt in stages.
(The Rev. J. E. Gethyn-Jones, Dymock down the Ages, 1966.)
Listing NGR: SO7216031263
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Books and journals Gethyn-Jones, J E, Dymock down the Ages, (1966)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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