SO 63 SE
2.10.54 KEMPLEY
Kempley Court GV
II Farmhouse. 1689 (datestone). Painted English bond brickwork
front and sides: brick-nogged timber-framing rear: stone slate
roof front, tiled rear. Six-window front, 2 rooms deep, 2
storeys. Symmetrical facade to drive: all windows mullion and
transom. Half-glazed front door up 2 stone steps, 2 fielded
panels below. Bolection-moulded surround, flat porch hood, ornate
panelled soffit, on acanthus consoles. String course above cut as
if semi-circular hood originally. Either side a 2-light window,
flat, rubbed-brick arch: frames C20. To left 4-light window,
plain chamfer internally, iron opening light, cambered brick arch
over. To right similar window, but with 2 wide casements:
shutters internally. Plain brick string course: first floor five
2-light windows, flat, rubbed-brick arches: 3-light on right:
datestone in centre over front door. Open eaves, hipped roof.
Right return fully brick, string course: chimney within envelope
of building. Left return front brick, large external stack, tiled
offsets: rear half rendered over. Rear elevation: ground floor
framing renewed in painted brickwork, save for main posts. End of
brick side wall exposed on left. Ground floor: blocked window,
2-light casement window, small window to right of centre: single-
light casement. Half-glazed door, marginal lights, over 2 flush
panels: covered gabled half-glazed mid C20 porch. Three-light
mullion and transom timber to right, weatherboard over. First
floor, framing 3 panels high to eaves: weatherboard on sill to
left: 2-light casement above, weatherboard over, extends up to
centre of building. Central part, 2-light casement low down on
left, leaded lights, weatherboard over: possibly blocked window
high above. To right C20 two-light casement: 2-light casement
with weatherboard over on right. Above 3 gables: left 2 with 2
collars, weatherboard to lower, 2-light casement over in each.
Right studs only, possibly originally central door, now 2-light
casement with leaded lights. Two pairs purlins and square ridge
to roofs. Interior not inspected. Forms group with barn and
gateposts (q.v.).
(D. Verey, Gloucestershire, The Vale and the Forest of Dean, 1970.) Listing NGR: SO6697330984
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Books and journals Verey, D , The Buildings of England: Gloucestershire 2 The Vale and The Forest of Dean, (1970)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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