TQ 74 NW
(South-west side)
4/65 Burnt Oak
(formerly listed as
23-5-67 The Burnt House)
GV II* House. C14, with late C16 or early C17 alterations. Left end rebuilt
in 1930's. Timber framed, with rendered infilling pricked in a
rectangular pattern. Ground floor of right hall bay red brick in header
bond. Thatched roof. 4 timber-framed bays; quasi-aisled hall of 2
timber-framed bays, with probably integral storeyed end bay to right
(north). Front aisle narrowed, and slightly increased in height, at a
later date (possibly late C16 or early C17). Storeyed left end bay and
most of the left hall bay rebuilt (after fire?) in 1930's. 1 1/2 storeys.
Gable-end jetties on solid-spandrel brackets. Broadly-spaced studding.
Higher midrail to left of porch. Arch brace to ground floor of right
end bay, and pair to ground floor of right gable end. Roof half-hipped
to left, three-quarters hipped to right. Eaves slightly lower to rear.
Brick ridge stack to former left hall bay. Irregular fenestration of 2
windows; one three-light leaded eaves dormer with thatched gabled roof to
right hall bay, and one small two-light mullioned window with cill pegged
between aisle wall-post and stud, to left end of storeyed right end bay.
Three leaded ground-floor windows; one two-light to left end, one four-
light to right hall bay, and one two-light towards centre of right end
bay. Diamond mullion windows to right gable end; one six-light with central
stud to first floor and one three-light to ground floor. Ribbed door in
C20 timber-framed and rendered porch with half-hipped thatched roof, under
stack. Interior: exposed framing. Base-cruck central truss. Unjointed
base-cruck blade to rear, terminating in cambered, chamfered tie-beam and
morticed for large arch brace to tie-beam. Front end of tie-beam lies under
the arcade plate (reversed assembly) and is supported on late C16 or early
C17? jowled post, which is also arch-braced to the tie-beam. The arcade
plates are chamfered, and continue to right-gable end, carried on arcade
posts with shaped jowls at right end of hall. At gable end, rear arcade
plate is supported on an unjointed upper-cruck blade (morticed at base to
jetty bressumer) Front arcade plate supported on a (late C16 or early
C17?) upper-cruck blade which is jointed ata point higher than curve in
rear blade (to take heightened aisle wall plate). Rear arcade plate
morticed for arch brace to right hall bay. Front arcade plate continues
short distance into former left end bay, where it appears to be of lighter
scantling. Edge-halved scarf joint with three circular soffit keys or
pegs, in front and rear arcade plates to right of arcade posts. Broad,
close-set axial joists to right end bay on ground floor, tenoned into
cross beam at left end of bay. The crossbeam is tenoned between the
rear and (late C16 or early C17?) front aisle wall-posts which are
(unusually) set immediately to right of arcade posts. Stair trimmer to
rear right corner of bay. Front arcade post chamfered front and rear, on
hall side only, and grooved for boarded infilling. Front aisle tie-beam
also has grooved soffit. Pegs for cross beam between arcade posts. Arch-
braced first-floor partition above. Window cill to rear of right hall bay,
tenoned between base-cruck blade and aisle wall-post. (Shutter?) groove
in soffit of aisle wall-plate above it. Inserted floor to right hall bay,
with heavily chamfered axial beam morticed into similar cross beam between
base-cruck blade and front central-truss post. Bevelled joists. Brick
fireplace with wooden bressumer. Front ground-floor window of right end
bay morticed for three-light diamond mullion window with head and jambs
grooved for (less usual) vertically-sliding shutter. Dormer window cuts
through arcade plate and is morticed for four-light window with moulded
or rectangular mullions and diamond subsidiary mullions. Roof not
inspected. Comparatively few base-chuck trusses have so far been noted
in Kent. See also Benover Road, Nightingale Farmhouse. (R.C.H.M. unpublished
report, 1986).
Listing NGR: TQ7011348684
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