DIPFORD 9/172 Dipford Farmhouse
GV II Farmhouse. Probably C16, subsequently altered, barn dated 1808, roof raised and altered mid C20, Rough cast over cob
and rubble, quoins left, slate roof, decorative ridge tiles, bargeboards, external stone capped stack left gable,
rendered stack right gable end and between third and fourth bays left. L-plan: evolution not clear without internal
inspection. Two storeys, 4:1 bays, abutting barn right, C20 fenstation, 2 and 3-light casements, 6-panel door with
fanlight second bay left, C20 plank door with side-light fourth bay left, loft door gable end of corrugated iron roofed
barn dated 1808 R(obert M(attock). Outshot at rear. Interior not sighted, said to contain 6-panel compartment ceiling
with hollow chamferd beams, lateral bead over cross passage suggesting this not original entrance, with another 6-panel
hollow chamfered beams ceiling centre, lack of other datable features and roof largely rebuilt. (VAG Report,
unpublished SRO, August 1982).
Listing NGR: ST2042821920
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Books and journals 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in August, (1982)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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