This List entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 06/03/2017
ST 43 NE,
10/80 STREET CP,
HIGH STREET (South side),
No. 83 (Crispin Hall) (Formerly listed as: No. 81 (Crispin Hall)) II Public hall, library and reading room; now craft centre and hall. Stone plaque to frontage with raised lettering:-
"Club and Library 1883', by G. J. Skipper for William S. Clark. Irregularly coursed and squared rubble, freestone
dressings, double Roman tile roofs, large dormer gable, arcaded wooden bellcote, pyramidal lead roof with bellcast and
elaborate weathervane; two zinc ventilating lanterns; large brick stacks with oversailing courses. Roughly rectangular on
plan, Domestic Revival. Two storeys and attic, 3:1:2 bays, those to right projecting slightly under a front facing
gable; attic with 3-light dormer with a transom; predominantly 2, 3, 5 and 6-light stone-mullioned windows, the
majority with transoms and stopped labels. Door opening to centre in a single-storey gabled porch, 4-centred arch door
opening, stopped label, paired plank doors; sign at right-angles over door on an iron frame:- *Crispin Hall". Return to
Leigh Road of one and two storeys with attics, 1:5:1:1 bays, those to left and right under front-facing gables, third bay
set in a projecting stair-turret with an octopartite tile roof with scrolled wrought-iron cresting; 2, 3, and 4-light
stone-mullioned windows, some stopped labels; set of 5 bays with tall 3-light windows giving onto the hall, cambered
heads, double transoms; a buttress between each of 2 stages with offsets. Two door opening is to right of projecting
turret in a hipped roof porch, door opening to right side in a dressed stone surround with a 4-centred head, label,
paired plank doors with elaborate hinges; to left with projecting gabled porch, 4-centred arch outer door opening,
paired inner plank doors. Stone plaque on turret with figures in relief. Occupies a prominent position of importance on
the High Street. (Mc Garvie M., Guide to Historic Street, unpublished).
Listing NGR: ST4833136632
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Books and journals McGarvie, M, Guide to Historic Street
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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