STREAM 5/262 Stream Farmhouse - GV II Incorrectly shown on OS map as Lower Stream Farm. Farmhouse. Dated 1616, reroofed and refenestrated late C19. Roughcast
over rubble, exposed quoins, moulded plinth, asbestos slate roof, overhanging eaves, decorative bargeboards, brick
stacks right gable end, set below gable left and left of cross passage. Plan: 3 cell and cross passage. One and a half
storeys, 2:2 bays, all C19 casements, gabled 2-light dormers with decorative bargeboards, 3-light groundfloor, 2 left
and one right of entrance, gabled slate roofed porch carried on wooden columns set in dwarf wall, plank door with 2
glazed openings. Date plaque to left of entrance, 1619 with device that day be a rose bush, similar to that on 1616
date plaque at No 3 Robert Street, Williton (qv); perhaps the initials HW (Wyndham) printed in reverse. Interior cross
passage partition right removed, chamfered beams with spade stops, coeval room at rear perhaps cob, to left of cross
passage 9 panel compartment ceiling with steeply chamfered beams, partly cut by inserted rear corridor, chamfered
wooden lintel and stone jambs to fireplace, end room left seems to have been rebuilt perhaps late C19, stair turret at
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