ST14SE HOLFORD CP WOODLANDS 6/102 Woodlands Farmhouse 22.5.69
II Farmhouse. Medieval origin, ceiled early C17, early C18 South East front. Roughcast over random rubble, hipped slate
roofs, tall brick stack to left of entrance. Plan: hall house lying North West - South East, West wing and South East
crosswing. Two and two and a half storeys, hall house block left, 1:3:1 bays, first floor 2-light casement window in
hipped left wing, two 3-light and one 2-light casements centre, right hipped wing hipped dormer casement, segmental
headed 2-light casement below, ground floor 2-light casement left, 3- and 4-light centre, segmental head casement
right, entrance centre right, gabled hood, pierced bargeboards, rendered walls, plank door. Symmetrical 5 bay right
return, segmental headed casements with keystones, quoins strips and central doorcase. Interior not viewed, reputedly
contains plaster overmantel on first floor depicting the wounds of Christ. (VCH Somerset, Vol.5 forthcoming).
Listing NGR: ST1598640854
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Books and journals Dunning, R W, The Victoria History of the County of Somerset, (1985)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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