5/210 St. Audries School
Country house, now school. Earlier house almost if not completely rebuilt and enlarged between 1835, purchase of
estate by Sir Peregins Acland) and 1870. Stable block, service end and part of North front, Richard Carver 1830s and
'40s, rest by John Norton, builder William Shewbrooks of Taunton. Ashlar Sampford Brett red sandstone facade, earlier
parts faced in ashlar limestone, Bath stone dressings, plain tile roof, decorative ridge tiles, coped verges with
kneelers, finials on gable ends, ashlar stacks. Plan: great hall facing Southwest entered under oriel tower,
projecting gabled wing to South (Morning Room), long North East garden front, service courtyard that may contain part
of earlier dwelling behind, large stable courtyard at rear. Tudor Gothic style. Two and a half storeys, 4 stage tower,
1:1:1:4:1 bays; all Tudor arch head's, gabled projecting bay left, 2-light casement gable end, 4-light mullioned and
transomed windows below, 2-light mullioned and transomed window to right first floor, crenellated tower with 3 stage
oriel bay corbelled out with 4-light mullioned and transomed windows, entrance below, crenellated, octagonal stair
turret to left, hall four long 3-light mullioned and transomed windows, leaded panes, flanked by stepped buttresses
linked to corbelled cornice. To right 3-light casement in gable end of Morning Room bay, below 2 storey crenellated
central bay, 5-light mullioned and transomed windows. Entrance 4 centred arch opening, square hood mould, decorated
spandrals, double doors with studs. Inscription on corbelled base of oriel 'Except the Lord build the house they
laboureth in vain that build it' with Acland coat of arms and motto 'Zealous'. Left return garden front of many gables
and canted bays, only the library bay at the west end faced in red sandstone. Stable courtyard; random rubble
crenellated gateway with finials, large central depressed arch opening flanked by 2 smaller ones, gable with coat of
arms, by Carver. Interior: screes passage, wooden 3 bay Perpendicular arcade carrying minstrel's gallery, North West
wall 4 bay arcade interrupted by hood moulded fireplace corridor behind, linenfold panelling, arch braced collar truss
roof with 3 tiers of quatrefoil wind bracing, remains of fresco on South East wall. Rococo style decoration in Drawing
Room, best work ribbed plaster ceiling with pendant in Dining Room. Rather disappointing interior after assured and
confident facade, St. Audries become a girls' school in 1934. (Photograph in NMR; The Architect, September 21, 1872;
Country Life, June 23, 1934; VCH Somerset, Vol,5 forthcoming).
Listing NGR: ST1105242328