SE 7423
(east side) 14/48 Nos 3 to 9 (odd) (Royal
Hotel) GV II
Houses and shops, now public house. Includes section fronting onto Adam
Street. 1826 by Woodhead and Hurst of Doncaster for Aire and Calder
Navigation, with later C19 shop fronts and C20 alterations. Brick in
Flemish bond, colour-washed to Nos 5, 7, 9, stuccoed to No 3 and Adam Street
frontage. Sandstone ashlar dressings. Welsh slate roof. 3-storey, 5-bay
section to Aire Street, bay 6 to corner with Adam Street and bay 7 facing
Adam Street; adjoining low 2-storey section to Adam Street with 2 first-
floor windows. Aire Street frontage: 4-bay section to left has bays 2-4
breaking forward. Main entrance to third bay has original ashlar Doric
doorcase with attached columns carrying entablature with modillioned cornice
and hood. Late C19 shop fronts to either side with C20 infilling
incorporating casements and door to left (No 9), both shop fronts in wood
surrounds with ornate consoles bearing carved foliate and grapevine
ornament, plain friezes with moulded cornices and hoods. First floor: left
bay has first-floor sill band and original 12-pane sash beneath rubbed-brick
cambered arch. Advanced 3-bay section to right has later C19 12-pane sashes
in original openings above recessed aprons with ribbed pilasters carrying
sills, the central window in an eared architrave..and the flanking windows
beneath rubbed-brick cambered arches. Second floor: first bay has original
6-pane sash with sill beneath cambered arch; 3 bays to right have later C19
6-pane sashes with sills, the central window in an eared architrave. 3-bay
corner section to right: plinth, full-width shop front with corner entrance
containing recessed door beneath plain overlight, flanked by inserted C20
shop windows, with further blocked window or former entrance to right, in
wood surround with ornate consoles bearing carved acanthus and grapevine
ornament, plain frieze, bracketed cornice and hood. First-floor sill band.
First-floor 12-pane sash to corner, flanked by narrower 12-pane sash to
right, and blocked window to left, all in eared and shouldered architraves.
Short 12-pane second-floor sash to corner flanked by blocked windows, all
with sills and similar architraves to first floor. Moulded corniced wooden
gutter throughout, with rendered blocking course to corner section and the 3
advanced bays to left. Round hipped roof. Shortened stack straddling ridge
with ashlar band. Lower section adjoining to right: wide C19 shop front to
left with central inserted C20 windows flanked by entrances with panelled
doors in wooden surrounds with carved consoles bearing grapevine and shell
ornament, plain frieze, moulded cornice and hood. 2-bay section to right,
flanked by narrow pilaster strips, has pair of short ground-floor windows
with 4-pane sash to left, and C20 2-light casement to right, in original
surrounds with sills and eared and shouldered architraves. Pair of later
C19 4-pane first-floor sashes with sills and similar architraves to ground
floor. Moulded cornice, coped parapet. Corniced ridge stack and roof
stack. Interior. Aire Street range has moulded cornice and round-headed
openings with archivolts to entrance hall, open-well staircase to rear with
wreathed handrail and plain balusters; not fully investigated. Part of the
original planned port settlement beside Goole Docks. Aire Street was the
main commercial street. Porteous J D, Canal Ports, 1976.
Listing NGR: SE7470423353
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Books and journals Porteous, J D , Canal Ports, (1976)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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