TL 4038 (South side)
Barley 8/84 Margaret House
including Forecourt Walls GV II
Former Rectory, now an old people's home. 1831-8 by A. Salvin for
Rev. W.H. Turner, altered late C19. Red brick. Tiled roofs. A large
asymmetrical multigabled block in a simple Jacobethan style. 2 storeys
and attic. 5 window front. Outer bays project with gables. 3 light
casements in chamfered surrounds with gauged brick flat arched heads,
lattice lights on first floor. 2 light windows in attics, brick kneelers
to gable parapets with outer steps. A third smaller gable to left of
centre is stair wing with a large first floor 9 light mullion and
transom hexagonally leaded window, similar parapet. Central entrance and
bay to right recessed with first floor lattice cross casement,
projecting brick courses to close eaves. Ground floor has a later C19
stuccoed porch in recess with distyle in antis marbled Doric columns
carrying segmental arches, cornice. Inside porch a part glazed door with
a 4 centred arched head and a cross casement. Central cross axial ridge
stack with 2 diagonal shafts. Right return has external stacks with
offsets, diagonal shafts towards rear, service entrance, lattice
casements. Left return is 3 bays. Ground floor canted bay window to
left, tall cross casements. First floor dual sashes, triple to left, 2
light attic casements. Gables over each bay, that to left larger, all
with parapets. To left of centre a cross axial ridge stack with 4
diagonal shafts. To rear 3 bays, ground floor canted bay window to left,
large conservatory with projecting gabled porch to 2 right bays. First
floor dual sashes. Small gables over outer bays with a cross axial ridge
stack to left of centre with 4 diagonal shafts. In inner angle of
further extending service wing to left is a 3 storey block with a taller
plain parapet. Extruded stack on rear gable end of service wing, 1
storey outbuilding with slate roof. Interior: dogleg staircase with
barley sugar balusters, capped newel posts, moulded handrail, bolection
moulded door surrounds, marble fireplaces. Red brick walls extend from
front to enclose forecourt. To right are entrances to service passage
with a 4 centred arched head and to churchyard with a segmental head, 2
doors to left. Segmental brick coping. Corner piers have moulded
capping. Ramps down at ends to front section of 6 bays, open to centre.
Central piers with chamfered caps and bases, neck bands, rebated
corners. Pilasters between bays, cogged brick course below coping. C20
additions to front left are not of special interest. (J. Wilkerson,
Two Ears of Barley, 1969: Pevsner 1977).
Listing NGR: TL4019638432
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Cherry, B, The Buildings of England: Hertfordshire, (1977) Wilkerson, J, Two Ears of Barley, (1969)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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