SO 7875 SE BEWDLEY CP HIGH STREET (north side) 13/39 No 25 22.4.50 GV II House, now six flats. Mid-C18 with early C19 and some late C20 alterations.
Stuccoed brick with hipped slate roof, gable end stacks. Street front in
two parts, to left: three storeys, two windows: 4-pane sashes under segmental
heads; second floor: 2-light casement to left, horizontally sliding sash to
right, both with segmental heads; ground floor: 16-pane sash under segmental
head to right, two entrances to left corner, with rusticated surrounds,
segmental heads, ledged and boarded doors, the left-hand door leads to a
passage providing access to the rear of no 26 (qv), the right-hand door to
the rear of no 25; to right: three storeys, three windows: 4-pane sashes
with keystones to head, second floor: two horizontally sliding sashes flank
a 2-light fixed casement; ground floor: two 4-pane sashes flank a central
entrance which has a rusticated doorcase, moulded cornice, Gothick glazed
overlight, six raised and fielded panel door. Rear of left-hand part: three
storeys; a Venetian window, central light has a Gothick glazed sash, second
floor: Diocletian window; rear of right-hand part: four storeys: to left a
canted bay rising from ground to second floor, to right a canted bay window
with modillioned cornice on first floor, centrally placed is a semi-circular
headed 2-light casement with Gothick glazing; third floor: a horizontally
sliding sash to right; second floor: central window has a segmental pointed
head, fixed casement, to right a 4-pane sash under segmental head; ground
floor: central two-leaf door under flat head, to right a flat roof (on which
the bay window above rests) supported on two stone Doric columns. Interior:
main staircase: moulded hand rail, turned balusters and open string.
Listing NGR: SO7872575137
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