SD 71 SE
326/5/10046 WESLEY STREET
Tottington Wesleyan Day and Sunday
II Wesleyan school. Dated 1868, early C20 internal alterations. By E Simpkin of Bury. Coursed gritstone laid in diminishing courses; ashlar plinth, corner pilasters to front, and rear quoins. Grey slate roof with gable copings and 3-flue stack at south end of ridge. 2 storeys over basement, 4 x 7 windows, classical style; central corridor with small rooms off, and a large open hall on the upper floor. Gabled north entrance front: single storey porch with moulded round-arched entrance and paired 6-panel doors, corner pilasters, moulded eaves and blocking course, flat roof. Fenestration: 6- and 8-pane sashes throughout, the upper floor windows taller than those to ground floor; segmental keyed arches, moulded keyed architraves to front, plain keyed surrounds to side and rear. In the front pedimented gable a date stone with weathered raised lettering: WESLEYAN METHODIST/ DAY & SUNDAY/ SCHOOLS/ 1868'. Moulded stone eaves to left and right returns terminate at rear corners; the rear facade has a doorway left, with plain surround and overlight. An inserted doorway (c1925) at upper floor left probably led to an external fire escape. Ground floor, right: the basement access has cast iron railings and gate with spearhead finials and moulded standards, a straight flight of stone steps down to doorway in plain surround. The basement (not inspected) was lit by 2 low windows on the left return (east) which have been covered. Interior: an inner pair of half-glazed 4-panel double doors opens into the stair lobby, with stairs to upper floor at each side, moulded wooden handrails on scrolled brackets. The central corridor extends the length of the building to a full width room at the south end. 4 doorways and 4-pane catch-light windows along each side of the corridor indicate the position of small classrooms and storerooms. The south room (infants' classroom) has a round-arched doorway with coat of arms painted on the overlight; the ceiling is supported by 2 fluted cast iron columns with Corinthian capitals; the position of two covered fireplaces on the south wall is indicated by stone hearth slabs; SE corner cupboard; lC20 inserted staircase against the west end. The main stairs at the north end of the building turn through 90 degrees and open lobbies to the upper hall, which has a stage built at the south end, probably c1925. Moulded wooden reveals and architraves to the windows; plain cross beams. On the east wall a white marble plaque commemorates William Hoyle, d.26 Feb.1886, who worked as a class leader, steward, trustee and day school manager. On the west wall a brass plaque records the life and work of William Henry Stanton, d. May 8th 1912, music teacher, choir master and organist of the adjoining church, class leader and trustee of the school. History. In 1859 James Hoyle and his son William, ardent supporters of the Methodist movement, built a factory adjacent to the Methodist chapel in Tottington. They prospered and William is described as a benevolent dictator' who provided employment and education for many villagers for a period of 70 years. He built Spring Mill and restored Bottoms Hall Mill, which was derelict after a boiler explosion. The Hoyles were influential in the setting up of a day school in the chapel vestry and by 1867 had moved to a room over the boilers at Hoyle's Springs Mill. In 1869 the new school was opened. The foundation stone of the new building was laid 16.05.1868 by James Barlow, Mayor of Bolton and it cost o2,800. Sources: A History of Methodism in Tottington, 1822-1922' and G Coupe, The Three R's in Tottington before 1870. Both pamphlets at Bury Public Library. Listing NGR: SD7749213087
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Books and journals A History of Methodism in Tottington 1822-1922 Coupe, G, The Three Rs in Tottington before 1870
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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