This List entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 24/01/2016
SU 12 NW,
OFF HOMINGTON ROAD (north side),
The Meadens (Formerly listed as:
COMBE BISSETT, Of Homington Road (north side), Mindens.
COOMBE BISSETT, Shutts Lane, Minterns.
COOMBE BISSETT, Off HOMINGTON ROAD (north side), Mindens.
COOMBE BISSETT, OFF HOMINGTON ROAD (north side), Meadens.) II Detached cottage. C15, with C17 alterations and external walls of
C18 and C19. Flemish-bond brick with some chalk, half-hipped
thatched roof with brick stacks. 2½-bay cruck cottage, the half-
bay being remains of open hall, floor inserted in C17. Single-
storey and attic, two windows. Central planked door in C20 porch,
either side is one 2-light casement. One 3-light casement to
attic. Left return has 2-light casement to ground and first floors.
Right return is chalk and brick with light timber-framing to attic
gable, planked door to attic. Rear is chalk and brick bands, one
planked door to right with 2-light fixed window to left.
Interior said to have chamfered beam with runout stops to inserted
C17 ceiling in former open hall, C17 6-panelled doors with cockspur
hinges to ground floor, and with butterfly hinges to first floor.
Roof timbers over hall are smoke-blackened. Three cruck trusses
east, one with arch-braced collar, and with curved wind braces to
purlins were recorded by RCHM. Part of cruck is visible on left
return external wall.
(Unpublished records of RCHM (England), Salisbury). Listing NGR: SU1134626077
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