Groundwell House
shall be amended to read
SU 18 NE
Groundwell House
House. Prooably late C17 or early C18 incorporating earlier features; added to
and altered C19 and C20. Rubblestone brought to course with ashlar dressings;
additions have red brick dressings. Mid C19 Welsh slate roof. Original range
square on plan, 2 rooms deep, of 2 storeys with attic and partial cellar and 5 x
5 bays. 2-storey wing added to rear left, early to mid C19, in 2 builds; and a
single-storey C20 brick addition to Left side, not of special interest. The
original range has quoins, chamfered plinth and the original windows are
nollow-moulded cross-windows with hoodmoulds, and relieving arches on ground
floor. Entrance elevation: central door of 6 raised and fielded panels in
moulded architrave with tripartite keystone and console-bracketed pediment
flanked by ends of later tie-rods. Altered windows have 4-pane sashes (except
for 2-pane sash to 1st floor of bay 2) in keyed plain stone surrounds (tne sills
lower than those of the original windows). Moulded cornice. 3 gabled dormers.
Hipped roof with central valley in which rise 2 stacks. Rear: on left a 2-light
nollow-moulded stone mullioned cellar window; on ground floor a C19 2-lignt
window to left and on right a low-level 3-light ovolo-moulded wooden-mullioned
window, both having timber lintels; on right a C19 round-arched stair window,
having 4-pane sash and fanlight with intersecting glazing bars; rignt bay
masked by wing addition, but old attic window with hoodmould is visible. Right
return: to right of centre a 2-light hollow-moulded cellar
window; two ground-floor windows, that on right a later 3-light,
timber-lintelled, window, that on left and the 4 above all original, except for
4-pane sash to first 1st floor of right bay; windows of oay 1 blind, and that
on ground floor with date"1757" incised on left jamb: one gaoled dormer; Left
return: original windows, those of two right bays blind, the mullions and
transoms removed from 2 left-nand windows on 1st floor; one gabled dormer. On
left, wing has brick quoins and crick surrounds to segmental arcned openings;
3-light window and board door to left-hand section (former cheese room) two
3-light windows and board door with 2-light window above to right-hand section;
roof hipped at left end and with stack between sections.
Interior: cellar windows have iron stanchions and wooden lintels; on ground floor,
rear right room has large-scantling chamfered beans with stapped cyma stops, and
rear left room has early C17 (or earlier) -style moulded Tudor-arcned fireplace,
the lintel partly replaced in concrete and the original lintel said to have been
aated '1660' on right corner; on 1st floor, rear left room has anotner moulded
Tudor-arched fireplace; some old doors. Dog-leg stair has wave-moulded soffits
to treads, pilastered and corniced dado; balustrade removed. Old floor boards
in attic. Roof nas old principal rafters, collars, and staggered butt purlins,
but rafters replaced.
Groundwell House
SU 18 NE 8/71
Present house circa 1700, altered mid C19. Two and a half storeys. Rubble
with mid C19 slate hipped roof. Chamfered plinth. Wooden eaves cornice. Side
elevations retain cross mullion windows with labels and relieving arches although
a number altered. Front has 5 windows, plate glass sashes with keystones, first
floor has timber lintels, ground floor relieving arches, possibly the front
always had sashes. Three gabled dormers. Central pedimented doorcase on brackets,
bold keys to door surround. Six panel (raised and fielded) door.
Coach-house attached to north-west, a later (mid C19) rubble building with
gabled entrances.
Interior: a fine high stop chamfered Tudor arch fireplace in first floor west
room. Balusters of staircase damaged. large round headed later stair window.
Some panelling fragments.
Listing NGR: SU1517189031