This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 13 September 2021 to update the name and address and to reformat the text to current standards TF 23 NW
Wykes Manor (Formerly listed as WIKES ROAD (east side) Wikes Farmhouse) G.V.
II* Farmhouse. 1680, built by Thomas Cowley, founder of Donington School, altered and extended C18 and C19. Red brick in English bond, machine plain tiled and pantile roof, large axial ridge stack. T-plan. Two storey and garret, irregular three bay front, originally five, with plinth, first floor band, two tall margin light sashes to ground floor, one glazing bar sash lighting stair mezzanine at the centre. To first floor three glazing bar sashes and two blocked openings. All openings have brick segmental arches. In the right hand gable an ashlar datestone inscribed "TC1680," with fan above. In the right hand gable, which is offset, the initials TC in the tie plates. To the rear a single storey C18 kitchen range, partly covers the site of the original door, and has a six panel door and overlight and a tripartite plain sash, both with segmental heads. Above a three light dormer. Behind a mid C19 addition. Interior. Contemporary dogleg stair with large turned balusters, wide moulded handrail. Large square panelled newels and panelled risers. Bolection moulded panels to stair wall. Small cellar beneath stair. Left hand room with full height bolection moulded panelling, deeply moulded cornice, bolection moulded architrave to door. To first floor a very fine room with full height bolection moulded pine panelling, bolection moulded fireplace surround with large C18 cast iron grate, cornice, architrave to match, double doors, full wooden cornice. Doors have original H hinges. Six bays of staggered butt purlin roof in sawn softwood, pegged. The principal rafters rest on posts. The chimneys join in an arch to form the ridge stack. Original planked doors, and stair partition. Two roll moulded beams in former kitchen. Listing NGR: TF2314835407
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