620-1/8/11 WORCESTER,
ALBANY TERRACE (North side),
Nos. 24 AND 26 (Formerly Listed as: Nos.6-30 (Even) ALBANY TERRACE (North side)) 08/3/74 GV II 2 semi-detached houses, numbered right to left, described left
to right. c1820-40 with later additions and alterations.
Painted stucco over brick, hipped slate roof. 2 party-wall
stacks, stucco to front roof slope with cornice and pots,
stack to rear roof slope similar but brick with oversailing
detail and pots. Double-depth plan with entrances in return
elevations. 2 storeys and basement. 4 (2:2) first-floor
windows. Stucco detailing includes sills, plinth, corner
pilasters with capitals, simple frieze with moulded upper edge
and recessed rectangular panels, stucco scored to represent
ashlar; incised curvilinear panels to extension link to left,
porch to right return elevation. 3 ground-floor windows are
6/6 sashes as first-floor, all in plain reveals with sills;
right-hand opening is 5-panel glazed door with side-lights.
Glazed light-wells to basement windows of left-hand house.
Entrance to left-hand house in single-storey link set back
between left return and adjacent house to the left, No.28 (qv)
Albany Terrace; door recessed behind archway, 5 flush-beaded
panels; linking-range has curvilinear coped parapet with
central ball; first-floor extension above link, semi-circular
headed fixed window with coloured glazing to margin-lights.
Lead flat-roof dormer with 3/3 sash. Splayed right-return
faces onto York Place, centre bay break forward, 3 first-floor
windows. Stucco detailing matches Albany Terrace (south)
elevation. Central Tuscan-style porch, partially recessed into
break forward, basket arch profile to architrave soffit; 5
roll-edged stone steps to 6-panel door, upper panels raised
and fielded, bottom pair of panels flush-beaded; matching
panelled reveals and arch soffit; fanlight. 8/8 sash to right
of entrance, 6/6 sash to left of entrance, first-floor 6/6,
all in plain reveals with sills. Small single-light
semi-circular arch-headed window to immediate left of
INTERIORS: noted as retaining some original features including
panelled shutters and ornate plaster cornices. Note: Nos 24
and 26 are of similar appearance to Nos 6-22 (even) (qv) and
28 and 30 (qv) Albany Terrace.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Albany Terrace is situated at N side of
Britannia Square (qv) and forms part of one of Worcester's
important Regency developments.
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