This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 10/12/2020 SP 79 SW
Church Langton
STONTON ROAD (east side)
The Mistress House, Longbridge Hall, Hanbury Hall and The Masters House
The former Hanbury Schools with attached school houses (Formerly listed as The Hanbury Schools with attached school houses, STONTON ROAD (east side)) GV
Former school with attached school houses. 1873 by Joseph Goddard. Brick with stone dressings. Late Gothic Revival style. Plain tile roofs. Continuous plinth with set-offs and dentilled brick eaves cornice. Single storey, seven-bay school room block has three-bay gabled projection with stone coping with kneelers and gabled stone bellcote. Single lateral stack. Below a heavily chamfered pointed arch with circular stone plaque dated 1873 in its typmanum and tall, two-light casement below. Either side; similar pointed arches with stone framed oculi in tympana and a two-light casement, all beneath decorative brick hoodmould with stone carving at intervals. Below the central window a stone plaque inscribed, 'These schools were founded for the education and religious instruction of boys and girls of this parish by the Revd William Hanbury MA, Rector of Church Langton AD 1767. Erected by the trustees of the Hanbury Charity AD 1873. Glory be to God on High and on Earth, Peace, Goodwill toward men'. To right of the thre3-bay gable a single three-light window followed by another, then a buttress with stone shield inset, then another three-light window followed by a single light window. All windows have cambered arches, and continuous dogtooth hoodmould. To right again, a lower, separately roofed two-bay lobby with a pointed doorway with hoodmould and part glazed double plank doors. Above a stone plaque inscribed Boys School. To right again, a doorway with shouldered arch and part glazed plank door providing access to the school house. On the far left of the main block, a similar lobby arrangement with plaque inscribed Girls School. The house attached to the right has a diagonally placed and heavily moulded gable stack and two similar lateral stacks. First floor string-course. One single storey bay and a single two storey bay with gable, moulded eaves cornice and kneelers. To left, a three-light casement with moulded shouldered arch above. To right, a six-light bay window with plain tile roof, and above two single-light casements side by side beneath a moulded brick arch.
The house attached to the left has two diagonally placed, moulded lateral stacks and is of two bays, two storeys. There is a trio of ascending lancets with hoods to right and to left a
five-light bay window with plain tile roof, and above a three-light casement beneath a moulded, shouldered arch. Listing NGR: SP7250493382
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Books and journals Page, W , The Victoria History of the County of Leicester, (1964), 202-3 'Country Life' in 23 June, (1960), 1442-45
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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