Ashby Folville
(south side)
9/87 Ashby Folville
Manor house, now offices. Mid C17, rebuilt in 1893 in a similar
style to the designs of J. Ely, following a fire. Coursed and
squared ironstone with limestone ashlar dressings and slate
roofs. Chamfered rubble plinth, quoins, coped gables with
kneelers and obelisk finials. 3 ridge and 2 lateral coped stone
stacks. 3 storeys plus attics, 5 bays. H-plan. Windows are
cross and mullioned leaded casements with flat hood moulds and
leaded glazing. Dormers have coped gables. Symmetrical west
front has recessed 3 bay centre with 2 storey tower porch,
flanked by taller gabled wings. Central 4 centred arched doorway
with shield panel above it dated 1893, and flanking columns.
flanked by single flat roofed balustraded bay windows, each with
a triple casement. Beyond, each wing has a double casement.
Above, canted central bay window in porch with 3 casements.
Beyond, single paired casements. Beyond, to left, a smaller
casement. Beyond, to right, a door. Above, on each side, a
round window. Beyond, single paired casements. Above again, 2
dormers, and beyond, single paired casements. Above again, to
left, 3 light casement in gable. Return angle to left has a
second-floor casement and above it, a dormer. South front has a
central canted bay window with a balustraded gallery above it,
flanked by single keystoned round headed arches with glazed
doors. Beyond, single 2 storey square bay windows each with
mullioned casements on each floor and on each side. Beyond to
right, set back bay with a casement. Above, central bay has 4
centred arched door with shaped hood, flanked by single large
casements. Set back bay has a single casement. Above again, 3
dormers, each with a double casement. North side has central
cross mullioned casement flanked by single buttresses, 4 setoffs.
To left, a casement. To right, chamfered doorway. Beyond, to
left, kitchen with 2 mullioned casements and to right, large
cross eaves dormer. Above, central casement flanked to left by a
smaller casement and to right by 3 casements of various sizes.
Above again, central casement, flanked to left by a smaller
casement and to right by 2 smaller stepped casements. Rear
elevation has to left, 2 storey parapeted extruded corner
parapeted porch, and to its right, service wing, 4 bays. Beyond,
to left, 4 bay single storey outbuilding with coped wall. Beyond
to right, single storey gabled kitchen.
Listing NGR: SK7078211895