ST 9168
(south side)
4/105 Nos 2 to 5 (consec)
II* Range of houses, late medieval with some additions, timber-frame
with plaster panels, stone slate roof and two stacks on front roof
slope. Two storeys, L-plan with gabled crosswing to right. No 2,
former Post Office, has 3 first floor leaded casement windows,
ground floor shopfront to left, probably C19, canted bay with 8-
pane windows, paired to front, 6-panel door under slate hood and
small C20 window to right. No 3 has 2 upper casement pairs, ground
floor door to through passage and casement pair to right. No 4, in
crosswing gable, has fine exposed framing, cambered tie-beam with
opposed curved angle braces over, jettied first floor with curved
tension braces and ground floor posts curved out under jetty.
Small canted timber-mullion 4-light window to each floor. C17 rear
wing has end stack, 2 upper casement pairs, ground floor ovolo-
moulded 2-light stone mullion window and door. No 5 is probably a
C17 addition to rear of No 4, single-storey and attic with large
gabled 4-light dormer, ground floor three-light casement with
timber lintel and door to right.
Interior: the front range, Nos 2 to 4, is wholly cruck-framed,
probably 6 bays of full crucks. In No 3 there is a fine moulded
C15 fireplace, with 4-centred arch corbelled out from jambs. The
upper room of No 4, in crosswing, has single bay windbraced roof.
In the rear wing of No 4, Tudor-arched moulded stone fireplaces
with stone shelves, one each floor.
Listing NGR: ST9163968416
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