SP3296 (West side)
11/103 Church of St. Peter
Church. Early C13, but with C12 origins. Late C13 north aisle and arcade,
widened C14; south aisle and arcade early C15. Chancel altered late C14/early
C15. Mid/late C14 tower has C15 upper parts. Late C15 clerestory. Early C17
south porch. Restored and vestry added 1876 at a cost of £2,770; further
restored 1911 and 1930. Various sandstones: chancel has ashlar east wall with
upper part of squared coursed stone, and side walls of coursed rubble. Nave has
east and west walls of ashlar; clerestory of coursed rubble, red to north and
grey to south. North aisle and tower of ashlar. South aisle east and south walls
of ashlar with coursed rubble above; west wall of coursed rubble. Porch of brick
with stone plinth. Old plain-tile roofs have coped gabled parapets. Aisled nave,
chancel, west tower, south porch, north west vestry. Decorated chancel and north
aisle, Perpendicular south aisle, clerestory and tower. 3-bay chancel, 3-bay
nave. Chancel has splay plinth, and moulded sill course. C15 diagonal
buttresses; C13 buttresses of 5 offsets to north and of one offset with
stop-chamfered corners to south. East window of c.1876, of 5 cinqfoiled lights
without tracery, has hood mould. C16 south door below central window has
chamfered 4-centred arch. 3-light north and south windows are similar to east
window. Nave clerestory has 4-centre arched windows of 2 trefoiled lights. South
aisle has moulded and chamfered plinth and east diagonal buttress with moulded
offset. 3-light Perpendicular windows throughout. Central porch has stone
doorway with moulded jambs, imposts and round arch, and C19 double-leaf doors.
Gable has sundial. Moulded south doorway inside. East wall has strapwork
memorial to John Blisse 1633. North aisle has splay plinth. Diagonal and 2 north
buttresses of 2 offsets. 5-light windows. East window has fine reticulated
tracery and hood mould. Gable has cross finial. Mid C14 eastern window with
flowing tracery; western and taller west windows have cusped intersecting
tracery. Tower of 3 stages has moulded plinth and string courses. First stage is
blank to west. Former processional passage through from north to south has late
C14 archways,with C18 woodwork framing window to north; C19/C20 stonework and
C20 door below glazed arch to south. Second stage has window of 2 trefoiled
lights. Bell chamber has cinqfoiled 2-light openings with transom and hood
mould. Moulded parapet and pyramid plain-tile roof, probably C18. Interior is
plastered. Chancel has C15 niches with moulded jambs and restored cinqfoiled
gabled canopy with crocketed pinnacles to left and right. C15 south piscina has
moulded jambs, trefoiled ogee head and hood mould with head stops. Locker in
north wall has C19 doors 4-bay C17 double queen strut roof has cambered tie
beans, moulded wall plates and slightly curved wind braces. Cl9 moulded chancel
arch has a triplet of very long, thin shafts with moulded capitals and bases,
and hood mould with head stops. Reconstructed 5-bay kingpost nave roof, possibly
with some reused old timbers, has moulded tie beams and wall plates. Large west
lancet. C13 north arcade of 2 orders has octagonal pillars with moulded
capitals. Late C20 glazing. Aisle has reconstructed C15 roof of 3 1/2 bays has
stop-moulded tie beams, arched braces with moulded pendants to collar beams, and
curved wind braces forming arches; intermediate trusses without tie beams.
Perpendicular south arcade of 2 chamfered orders has transversely elongated
octagonal pillars. 6-bay arched brace aisle roof, possibly C17, has chamfered
tie and collar beams. Fittings: font has part of late C15 octagonal bowl with
thick ribs and shields: it was found in the vicarage garden in 1910. Late C19
pulpit, stalls, etc. Organ on C20 stand at west end of nave is probably C19.
Stained glass: east window has some fine C14 and C15 glass from various windows,
including parts of a Tree of Jesse which probably belong to that at Merevale
(q.v.), and a C14 St. Margaret; some C19 patterning. Chancel north and south
windows have other fragments. Monuments: chancel: Edward Hinton 1689. Bust in
front of oval recess with winged heads. 2 inscribed wood boards with swan-neck
pediments, said to be of 1833 commemorate the Martyrs of Mancetter, Robert
Glover and Joyce Lewis. North aisle: Abraham 1743 and Mary Bracebridge 1745:
shaped panel with cartouche on bracket, and a panel below with winged head.
Thoedosia Bracebridge 1742. Obelisk panel with cartouche and a shaped
inscription panel below with consoles and apron. South aisle: Elizabeth Simmonds
1744. Drapery panel.
(Buildings of England: Warwickshire: pp 346-347; VCH: Warwickshire: Vol IV,
Listing NGR: SP3203696695
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Books and journals Doubleday, AH, Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of Warwick, (1947), 122-5 Pevsner, N, Wedgwood, A, The Buildings of England: Warwickshire, (1966), 346-7
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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