10/205 Yelford Manor
12/09/55 (Formerly listed as Manor
House GV II* Manor house, now house. Late C15 for the Hastings family; early C17 and C18
alterations. Timber-framed, of close studding; clad in C18 limestone rubble on
right side and to rear right. Gabled stone slate roof; stone stack finished in
C20 brick to left, and stone right end stack; large stone rear lateral stack
with 3 ashlar octagonal flues. 2-storey hall range and cross wings. 2 storeys;
5-window range. Hall range: C20 door to left set in restored C20 frame; bay
window above has early C17 ovolo-moulded wood-mullioned lights, and gablet with
bargeboard; 4-light chamfered wood-mullioned window above early C18 four-light
transomed window to right; 2-storey polygonal oriel in right bay of hall range
has hollow-chamfered wood-mullioned windows (originally transomed on ground
floor) and herringbone timbers in gablet. Jettied gable ends of side wings: C18
three-light leaded casement above C18 four-light mullioned and transomed window
with shutters to right; restored 3-light wood-mullioned window above 5-light
wood-mullioned window with leaded and lattice cames to left. 3-light
wood-mullioned window to left side wall and 2 similar 2-light windows above
altered 3-light window to rear of left wing. 2-bay stair turret adjoins rear
left wing. C18 L-shaped service range to rear, remodelled in mid C19: of
limestone rubble with ashlar quoins and gabled stone slate roof. Interior:
studded partitions divide all rooms. Hall has C20 arch to open fireplace with
moulded jambs; chamfered beam; screens passage has studded partition with 2
early C17 moulded doorways and studded door to left, and late C15 chamfered
panelled screen to right, and chamfered arched doorway to rear. C20 winder
stairs rise to first-floor gallery with arched hollow-chamfered doorways, one
with Hastings monogram in spandrel; first floor of hall has cornice of late C15
fireplace to rear; 3-bay hall roof has 3 collar trusses, and an arch-braced
collar-truss with arched windbraces and butt purlins, repaired with C17 brace.
Service wing to left has 2 rooms with chamfered beam on ground floor, chamfered
arched fireplace on first floor, and 4-bay collar-truss roof with arched
windbraces and butt purlins. Parlour wing to right has similar 3-bay roof; early
C17 panelled ground-floor room has Ionic pilaster, and an elaborately-carved
overmantle with 3 blind arches divided by caryatids and a frieze of dragons with
the arms of John Hastings and Mary Pudsey (married 1619). Stair-turret has
queen-post truss. Many timbers have late C16 banded red and gold decoration - as
at Church Farmhouse, South Leigh (q.v.). The first-floor hall fireplace,
2-storey oriel and indications of a blocked C15 first-floor window suggest that
Yelford Manor originally had a 2-storey hall: the hall and side wings are not
linked structurally and were probably built in stages.
(National Monuments Record; Buildings of England: Oxfordshire, pp.869;
Oxfordshire Museum, Woodstock, PRN 11977 for drawings; Bodleian Library, Oxford,
S.A. Eccles, Top, E,10, J.28 for 1895 photograph).
Listing NGR: SP3596604743
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Sherwood, J, The Buildings of England: Oxfordshire, (1974), 869
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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