SK9800 (West side)
9/98 Office, outbuildings and
attached wail and pier approx.
10m N of Duddington Manor
Office, outbuildings, and attached wall. Probably C17 origins, mainly C18 and
C19. Squared coursed limestone with Collyweston slate roofs. Office, to east of
range, is probably early C19. Single-unit plan, single storey. 2-window range,
to right, of sash windows with glazing bars with plain ashlar surrounds and
keyblocks. Panelled door, to centre, has similar surround. Ashlar gable parapets
and stone stack at end. Outbuilding, to west of range, is rectangular plan, 2
storeys, built on falling ground with the first floor level corresponding with
the single storey office. Probably C17 and C18, remodelled C19. 3-window range,
at first floor, of C19, two-light, stone mullion windows. Doorway to right, with
flight of steps, has chamfered stone surround with a 4-centred arch-head.
Ashlar gable parapets. Right gable has one C17 three-light stone mullion window.
Rear elevation, abutting road, has an irregular arrangement of 2- and 3-light
stone mullion windows, at first floor, and a carriage arch, with segmental head,
to ground floor right, now used as garage. The office and the outbuilding are
linked by a small lean-to outbuilding. Interior of outbuilding, to west, not
inspected but noted as having a late C19 medieval style roof. This room may have
been remodelled as a games room. Wall and pier, attached to centre of range,
forms part of garden layout with Duddington Manor and attached wall and pier
and gates and attached gatepiers approximately 10 metres east of
Duddington Manor (q.v.). Included for group value.
(RCHM: An Inventory of Architectural Monuments in North Northamptonshire: p49)
Listing NGR: SK9887400780
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