05/08/76 LEEDS
ELMET LANE, Roundhay
(South side)
Range of farm buildings to east of Cobble Hall GV
II Formerly known as: Braim Farm ELMET LANE Roundhay.
Farm buildings. Early C19. Coursed squared gritstone with
herringbone tooling, stone slate roofs, most replaced in
corrugated asbestos. The buildings form 3 sides of a SW-facing
farmyard enclosed on the 4th side with a wall and gateway.
The group comprises, from yard: north side of 2 storeys and 7
bays, central large segmental-arch entrance with quoined jambs
above which is dovecote with pedimented gable and turned-back
kneelers, pointed-arch opening with pigeon holes; flanking
ranges, byres and stables with hay lofts over, have 3 square
upper openings with plain stone surrounds, inserted cart
entrance ground floor left, doorway and square window right.
The west range, yard facade, is of 1 and 2 storeys, the right
end has cart shed and stable/byre with granary over: doorway
to stone stairs right, 3 more doorways and 3 segmental-arched
cart arches, 4 square openings above, hipped roof.
The single-storey range has 3 groups of 3 segmental arches
with quoined jambs and voussoirs, most now blocked, probably
open shelter sheds for animals over-wintering in the farm
On the E side of the yard a tall barn with central flat-arched
doorway and quoined jambs, 2 tiers of tall slit-vents to left,
square opening under eaves right. On the S side the wall is
approx 1.5m high with rounded coping, incorporated into later
yard buildings, it curves to meet gateway right.
The W facade, facing the rear of Cobble Hall (qv), has
(2-storey range) a central door with large lintel, blocked
original door and window left, 1st-floor loading door and
blocked original cart entrance right; the lower range has
original cart entrance with voussoirs and large jambs, 3
ventilated windows.
INTERIOR: not inspected. Listing NGR: SE3412938311
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