1932-1/2/187 (West side)
11/02/92 No.5
George and Dragon Public House and
signpost II Public house. 1929-31. For the Birkenhead Brewery Co.
Sandstone-dressed brown brick, timber frame with plaster
panels; red tile roof. Of "Road House" type, designed in the
manner of an Elizabethan manor-house, on prominent site
between Liverpool Road and Parkgate Road, facing north end of
Upper Northgate Street.
EXTERIOR: symmetrical front to Upper Northgate Street has
apron steps to timber-framed gabled porch on stone dressed
brick plinth with framed and boarded Tudor-arched oak double
doors and small leaded lights. Canted 8-light mullioned and
transomed stone window, leaded glazing, to each side.
Timber-framed recessed balcony above porch; 5-light leaded
oriel in close-studded bay to each side of balcony; south
pitch of roof sweeps down to balcony; the bay to each side has
third storey jettied on consoles with 3-light casement, close
studding and braced panels, beneath jettied front gable.
Ornate bargeboards; drop finials.
The east face to Liverpool Street has stone-dressed brick
ground floor with, south to north, two 3-light mullioned and
transomed leaded casements; brick-nogged timber-framed
entrance bay with framed and boarded oak double doors; damaged
leaded overlight; coved jetty to projecting bay above; three
3-light mullioned and transomed leaded casements; double doors
in stone case with panel inscribed George and Dragon; leaded
slit window. First floor has stone jetty with carved corbels;
close studding; ornately framed jettied gables to each
entrance bay.
North face to car park has brick ground floor with
stone-capped plinth; 2 framed and boarded doors; a 2-light
leaded casement and 4 small leaded windows; a long, narrow
one-storey west wing with 3 small windows between 2
framed-and-boarded doors; eaves rafters exposed. The first
floor of the main block has stone jetty, close studding, a
tall 3-light landing window, a small window and two 2-light
casements, all leaded. A pair of gables, each with a 4-light
leaded oriel on a console with a saltire panel to each side,
jetty and herringbone struts above.
The west face to Parkgate Road has close-studded end bay to
1-storey wing, stone steps with wrought-iron rails to cellar,
expressed as an undercroft, timber-framed open gallery between
the 1-storey north wing and a short 1-storey south wing, on a
bearer beam carried by four S-braced posts. The gallery allows
access between lounge, south, and bars, north. Stone-dressed
brick gabled bay behind gallery; wrought-iron rail to gallery,
with shaped oak posts; close-studded upper storey to each side
of gabled bay. Mullioned and transomed and mullioned leaded
windows. Windows have armorial panels; a rainwater head on
north end and three on west face dated 1931. The east and west
sides have parallel roofs, each with 2 shaped stone chimneys,
symmetrically placed.
INTERIOR could not be inspected fully; modern furnishings; but
stone fireplaces, main structure and strapwork ceilings
probably intact.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: free-standing chamfered timber post and
wrought-iron frame for inn sign; the sign formerly on traffic
island, south, is removed.
Externally an excellent example of a Road House of the late
1920s/early 1930s, well-composed, consistently detailed and
intact. The architect is not yet identified. Listing NGR: SJ4032767012
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