This list entry was subjected to a Minor Enhancement on 19 February 2025 to update the description and add Source and reformat the text to current standards SJ4066SE
595-1/4/177 CHESTER CITY (IM)
No.20 Street and No.22 Row (Formerly Listed as: EASTGATE STREET No.20 Street & No.22 Row) 10/01/72 GV
II 20 Eastgate Street and 22 Eastgate Street Row was built in the mid-C17 on a narrow plot as an undercroft, Row shop and townhouse. The building was refaced in brick in the early C19, concealing two partially surviving structures of C17 origin, built one behind the other. In the early C20 the undercroft shop was occupied by a hatters and the Row was a bootmakers. In 2022 the undercroft and Row were still in separate retail use, with ancillary uses above. The façade of the building is of brown brick laid in a Flemish bond, which hides timber framing. It has a grey-slate roof with its ridge at right-angles to the front elevation.
EXTERIOR: the building is of four storeys, including an undercroft and Row. The undercroft at street level has a modern shopfront between early fluted pilasters, and a plain wooden fascia.
The Row level has a simple cast-iron railing to the front opening, with painted brick end-piers and side showcases. There is a sloped, boarded stallboard measuring 2.05m from front to back, and a concrete-flag Row walkway. The shopfront is in Edwardian style with a recessed glazed door of one shaped pane, a panelled stallboard, and a two-paned shop window with a slender turned mullion. There is a plaster ceiling above the stallboard and Row. There is one window to each of the third and fourth storeys, with painted-stone sills and wedge lintels. The third storey has a recessed four-pane horned sash window, and there is an original recessed nine-pane sash window to the fourth storey, below a painted stone cornice. INTERIOR: there is a glazed panel in the Row shop entrance, which shows an angled timber brace, and wattle and daub forming part of the east party wall. This is in-situ and suggests the substantial presence, otherwise covered, in the Row, and possibly undercroft storeys, of the C17 structure. There is an early-C19 cornice in the Row storey and some C19 cornices in the third storey. The east wall in the fourth storey is timber framed, indicating that the front and back parts of the property, each built independently, are both C17. Listing NGR: SJ4059266278
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Books and journals Brown, A, The Rows of Chester: The Chester Rows Research Project, (1999), p172Other Kelly's Directory of Cheshire (1902). Kelly's Directory of Cheshire (1910)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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