595-1/4/168 CHESTER CITY (IM)
The Eastgate and clock
(Formerly Listed as: The Eastgate) 28/07/55
Archway in place of former gatehouse. 1768-69. Probably by Hayden or Heyden, Surveyor of Buildings for Lord Grosvenor; at the expense of Richard Lord Grosvenor. Surmounted by wrought-iron clock tower 1899 by John Douglas, at the expense of Colonel Edward Evans-Lloyd and public subscription. Red sandstone. Basket carriage archway with rusticated jambs and voussoirs; a small round pedestrian arch of smooth stone to each side; to north a segmental half-arch used as a shop since 1884. Arms of the County Palatine, sword of justice and three sheaves, on the inner keystone; frieze-band inscribed THIS GATE BEGUN MDCCLXVIII JOHN KELSAL ESQ. MAYOR: FINISHED MDCCLXIX CHA. BOSWELL ESQ. MAYOR; arms of Richard Lord Grosvenor with motto NOBILITATE VIRTUS NON STEMMA CHARACTER on outer keystone; frieze band inscribed ERECTED AT THE EXPENSE OF RICHARD LORD GROSVENOR A.D. MDLXIX. A modillion cornice on each face; ornate wrought-iron railings, 1899, to wall walk. Ornate wrought-iron pavilion with round arch to each face supported on open-work wrought-iron pylons and "buttresses" carries four-dial clock by JB Joyce of Whitchurch. The plinth to the clock is inscribed THIS CLOCK TOWER WAS ERECTED IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 60TH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF VICTORIA, QUEEN AND EMPRESS (east); ANTIQUI COLANT ANTIQUUM DIERUM: B.C. ROBERTS, MAYOR 1897; J.C. HOLMES, MAYOR 1898 (west); THIS CLOCK WAS ERECTED BY EDWARD EVANS-LLOYD CITIZEN AND FREEMAN 1897 (south) and ERECTED BY PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION & COMPLETED A.D. 1899 H. STOLTEFORTH MAYOR (north); beneath each clock face 18:97, gilt; filigree corner panels; above each clockface V.R., gilt; cupola roof of copper surmounted by weathervane with lions rampant or on gules ground. HISTORICAL NOTE: the Assembly minutes leave some doubt as to the architect of this item. The Corporation demolished the old gatehouse and were to have financed the new arch. The Assembly first employed a Mr Turner of Hawarden to prepare plans and estimates; he was Joseph Turner, later resident in Chester and architect of the Watergate and the Bridgegate. The relevant entries in the Assembly minutes are: 2/10/1767 The Eastgate, building and premises adjoining, belonging to the Corporation are to be surveyed by Mr. Turner of Hawarden... He is to draw a plan of the proposed new buildings and an estimate of their expense and of taking down the old Gate and building, to be laid before the next Assembly. 22/2/1768 Mr Hayden, surveyor at the building of Lord Grosvenor is to be desired to draw a plan of a new arch to be erected over the Eastgate for the next Assembly. 29/2/1768 The gateway with an arch giving passage over the walls according to Mr Hayden's plan, now subscribed by the Mayor, is to be erected... 22/3/1768 The Corporation is to tender fifteen guineas to Mr. Turner of Hawarden as satisfaction for his plans, estimates and expenses for rebuilding the Eastgate, but if he refused to accept the sum and commenced a suit against the Treasurers for recovery of any money for his plans, etc, the Town Clerk was to defend it at the Corporation's expense. 17/1/1772 It was ordered that five guineas be paid to Mr. Heyden as a compliment for his trouble in supervising the new construction of the Eastgate... elegantly completed at the sole expense of the Lord Grosvenor. (Chester City Assembly: Assembly Book: 1725-1775: 1767, 68, 72). Listing NGR: SJ4071166343
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Books and journals Harris, B, 'Bartholomew City Guides' in Chester, (1979), 54
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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