18/08/71 CHESTER CITY (IM)
Commercial Hotel & attached wall & St Peter's Fine Art Gallery
(Formerly Listed as: EASTGATE STREET (North side) The Commercial Hotel & building adjoining to S of hotel)
GV Hotel and art gallery. c1807. Brown brick in Flemish bond to
front and part of south wing; grey slate roofs.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys; symmetrical double-fronted main block.
Painted sandstone plinth; recessed door of 6 flush panels with
simple overlight in painted stone case with moulded
architrave, frieze and cornice; flat gauged brick arches and
painted stone sills to recessed sashes, one of 12 panes to
each side of door, 3 of 15 panes to second storey and 3 of 12
panes to third storey; cornice; flush chimney at each end of
main block; cast-iron rainwater head and pipe at north end of
the front; the south west corner of the main block roof is
hipped, all other roofs are gabled. The south end of the main
block has a door of 4 glazed panels above 2 flush panels; each
upper storey has a recessed 12-pane sash with gauged-brick
flat arch and painted stone sill; lead rainwater head and
upper part of pipe at south-west corner. The high brick wall
attached to the north-east corner of the hotel links it to the
City Club, No.1 Northgate Street (qv), closing the north end
of St Peter's Churchyard.
A recessed south wing, the first storey occupied by an art
gallery, is early C19 with a later recessed extension; the
earlier part perhaps of 2 builds is brown brick in Flemish
bond; the later part painted stretcher bond; the windows have
painted stone sills, some replaced in wood, and cambered brick
heads; the first storey has a replaced flush tripartite 2;2;2
pane horned sash, a replaced 6-panel door in a probably
replaced doorcase with frieze and cornice and a full-width bay
window of three rows of 9 panes, abutting the older part north
and with a quadrant south end, a panelled painted plaster
plinth, a medallion cornice and a flat roof; the second storey
has a brick band of one projecting course above a
brick-on-edge course laid diagonally, a nearly flush 4;12;4
pane tripartite sash and a 12-pane sash; the third storey has
a 9-pane sash, a tripartite 3;9;3 pane sash and a 12 pane sash
which projects above the eaves; cast-iron rainwater pipes.
The rear has a part-glazed framed and boarded door in a plain
wooden case with a replaced window to each side; the first
storey of the projecting south wing is concealed; the second
storey has an altered tripartite sash, north, two 12-pane
sashes and a small inserted 2-pane sash, plus a nearly flush
12-pane sash in the south wing; the third storey has two
9-pane sashes, a small inserted window, a 9-pane sash, a small
inserted window and, in the south wing, a nearly flush 12-pane
INTERIOR: retains the domestic plan of an early C19 public
(History of the City Club, Chester: Chester: 1800-). Listing NGR: SJ 40502 66314
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Books and journals History of the City Club Chester, (1980)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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