595-1/3/441 (North side)
28/07/55 No.16 GV II House, then Chester Rural District Council Offices, now a
municipal office. Late C18, altered internally and extended to
rear. Flemish bond brown brick; the hipped grey roof, behind
parapets, has 2 ridges parallel with the street.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys, 5 windows. Painted stone plinth; 2
renewed steps to door of 1;2;2;1 panels, the lower 3 fielded
and the upper 3 now glazed, and a 4-pane radial-bar fanlight
in a Roman Doric stone doorcase with 3-quarter columns, frieze
and pediment; 2 recessed 12-pane sashes to each side have
lower leaves altered; painted stone sills; the windows to all
storeys have gauged-brick flat arches. The second storey has a
sillband and 5 recessed 12-pane sashes; the third storey has a
sillband and 5 recessed 6-pane sashes; a lead rainwater pipe;
full cornice of painted stone.
The C18 rear is largely hidden by the C20 extension, but the
large stair-sash with radial-bar fan in round-arched head is
INTERIOR: a stone-flagged brick, barrel-vaulted, cellar is
probably all C18. The hall has skirting, replaced door in
round archway with fluted corner pilasters, architraves and
fanlight with glazing bars removed; plain frieze and modillion
cornice; the stair hall has round archway to rear with fluted
pilasters; the east and west front rooms have cornices; the
west rear room has a cornice, the east room a recessed 16-pane
sash largely concealed from without and a cornice; the former
kitchen in the rear wing has basket-arched recesses for range
and cupboards, now empty; the former back kitchen has a
quarry-tile floor. The open-well stair has open string with
shaped brackets, covered steps, square newels with
urn-finials, renewed stick balusters and swept oak rail with
wreath. The second storey landing has skirting and modillion
cornice, the front passage has skirting and cornice; the west
rooms were joined, with a new dado, to form the Rural District
Council Chamber; the rear passage has a cornice. The stair to
the third storey is like that below, but with probably
original reeded balusters; most doors are replaced but
architraves are retained. An internal boxed gutter runs from
the back to the front of the building.
Listing NGR: SJ4045466097
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