1852 (South Side)
No 71 Westholm)
TM 2648 3/98 25.1.51 II 2.
Now 3 houses.
C18 original structure with major portion early C19 facing right and
at rear. 2 storey, Suffolk brick, painted, band and plinth. Slates,
wide eaves. 6-panel door, to garden, at side, fluted wood Greek Doric
pilasters, modern posts in lieu of original columns supporting porch,
entablature, panelled soffit. 4 windows, casements, stone cills,
flat arches. 2 French windows ground floor The road frontage and
earlier C18 portion have plain appearance. There is a wrought iron
lamp holder arched over entrance gate piers and a 6-panel door to garden from front entrance. No 71 (westholm) shall be amended to read No 71 (Westholme) ------------------------------------ 1. CUMBERLAND STREET
1852 (South Side)
No 71 (Westholm)
TM 2548 3/98 25.1.51. II 2.
Now 3 houses.
Cl8 original structure with major portion early C19 facing right and
at rear. 2 storey, Suffolk brick, painted, band and plinth. Slates,
wide eaves. 6-panel door, to garden, at side, fluted wood Greek Doric
pilasters, modern posts in lieu of original columns supporting porch,
entablature, panelled soffit, 4 windows, casements, stone cills,
flat arches. 2 French windows ground floor. The road frontage and
earlier C18 portion have plain appearance. There is a wrought iron
lamp holder arched over entrance gate piers and a 6-panel door to
garden from front entrance.
Listing NGR: TM2695148740
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