004/8/10010 The Chestnuts II Farmhouse and adjoining side ranges. Mid C18, with alterations and additions c1800 and c1870. Red brick, with plain tile roofs of various shades. Plinth, first floor band, dentillated eaves. Off-centre ridge stack rebuilt late C20; C19 rear gable and side wall stacks. House, 2 storeys plus cellars and attics; 3 window range. Windows are mainly C19 plain sashes and casements.
Central triple sash with cellar opening below, flanked to left by canted wooden bay window, and to right by reset C18 6-panel door and overlight covered by later C19 rustic porch with hipped Welsh slate roof. Above, central triple sash flanked by single sashes, and above, 3 casements. The sash windows have brick flat arches.
Rear wing, C18 and early C19, has dentillated eaves to roofs of different pitches. East side has C20 joinery in segmental arched openings. North gable has early C19 triple Yorkshire sash to first floor. West side has mainly late C20 joinery, with early C19 glazing bar casement to second floor.
Left side range has a door and 2 small windows largely covered by ivy at time of survey. Left gable has late C20 garage doors. Above, a casement inserted in an earlier flat-arched opening, and above again, a similar casement, both with segmental heads. Rear elevation has an external brick stair to a C19 door.
Right side range has a C20 window to the ground floor. Right gable has a C19 canted wooden bay window, and above it a triple sash and above again, a casement. Its rear elevation, rendered, has a first floor band and an external stack.
INTERIOR: Principal staircase and landing has fine turned balusters and turned newel, with moulded handrail. Central ground floor room has remodelled fireplace flanked by early C19 cupboards, cased spine beam, and two C18 2-panel doors. Left room has C18 fitted cupboard, chair rail and half-glazed door. Elliptical arched recess inserted C19. First floor has plain rooms with several C18 and C19 2-panel and 6-panel doors. Rear wing has blocked early C19 service stair. Central attic has C18 2-panel door, and exposed span beam. Attics to end ranges have earlier C18 roof trusses, that at the east end cut down.
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