SP0091SW Ryland Memorial School of Art
06-JUN-00 II Art school and attached area railing. 1902, by Wood & Kendrick of Bimingham. Red brick, with ashlar dressings and slate roofs. Renaissance Revival style. Plinth, floor bands, dentillated eaves, shouldered coped gables. 2 storeys plus basement and attics: 3 x 6 bays.
Front block has a recessed entrance bay with an enriched segmental arch and cartouche with coat of arms and integral mullioned windows. Enriched ogee-headed porch with half-glazed double doors flanked by transomed sidelights. Above, an allegorical frieze in high relief, under a cornice. Above again, a colonnade with round columns and 5 recessed glazing bar windows. Truncated roof turret above.
Projecting gabled side bays have each 3 basement openings. Above, 2 floors each with 3 segment headed plain sashes under an enriched first floor cornice. Attics have transomed round headed windows, 3 lights, with hood moulds. Left gable has sinilar fenestration, 2 lights. Right gable has a large glazing bar window to the ground floor, and a plain glazed light above.
Wrought iron area railings attached at each end. Right return has 4 square windows to basement and first floor, and above, 5 through-eaves box dormers. All these windows have glazing bars. Left return has 3 pairs of segment headed windows and above, 3 round arched windows, all with glazing bars.
To the left, an external corridor connects the front block with the rear ranges, fronting Edward Street.
Single storey block comprising gymnasium and classrooms has an off-centre gable with 2 windows, flanked to the left by 2 windows, and to right by 2 windows and a blocked door. These windows have wooden cross mullions, and glazing bars in the top lights. To right, a single bay unit with a basement window and a fully glazed ground floor under a glazed and slated hipped roof.
Beyond, to left, a 2 storey classroom range, 3 bays, with coped gables and a gable stack. Higher, gabled entrance bay has double doors with a segment headed glazing bar overlight, and above, a tall glazing bar window. To left, a segment headed window, and to right, a similar window partly blocked and with a door inserted. Above, each side has a flat headed window. All these windows have wooden cross mullions and glazing bars. INTERIOR: Entrance lobby has 2 pairs of doors with round arched glazed panels, flanked by similar doors with stained glass panels and sidelights, all under an arcaded overlight with round arched panels. Central hall has a cantilevered gallery with wrought iron balustrade and reglazed clerestorey roof with wooden queen post trusses. Open well cantilever stone staircase with wrought iron balustrade, cast iron clustered newels and ramped wooden handrail. Classrooms flanking the hall on each floor have part-glazed 5-panel doors and overlights. Classrooms are plain, though one retains 5 casts of Classical capitals sliding on vertical posts carried on wall brackets. One first floor door has a glazed panel inscribed "Model's Dressing Room". 2 rooms linked by a screen with round arched opening. Gymnasium has chamfered wooden roof trusses with tie rods, and cased span beams. One adjoining room has a hipped rooflight.
Basement has a central hall corresponding to that above, with pavement lights, and round arched openings on each side, containing half-glazed doors with cross-mullioned sidelights and overlights. Classroms mainly plain. One room lined in white glazed brick, with matching cornice and dado.
Listing NGR: SP0015291373
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