577-1/28/335 (East side)
13/10/52 Nos.1-24 (Consecutive)
and attached railings
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos 1-24 (consec), North Lodge.
South Lodge)
Terraced houses. c1822. By Amon Henry Wilds, for Henry
Brooker. Stucco, roofs of slate apart from No.6 which is of
tiles. The houses are arranged in 8 blocks, each of 3 houses,
apart from a block of 2 (Nos 16-17), and a block of 4 (Nos
21-24); the blocks were always of more or less different
design, and almost all have been considerably altered, so it
is simplest to describe each block separately.
EXTERIOR: Nos 1-3. 2 storeys over basement, No.1 and 2 with
attics. Nos 1 and 3 of 2 windows each, No.2 of 3. 3-bay
centrepiece (No.2) with pilasters having scrolled capitals
supporting entablature and pediment; Nos 1 and 3 have one
window either side of the centrepiece and an outer, entrance
bay set back, though the entrance bay on No.1 has been brought
forward. No.1 has a flat-arched entrance with wooden, fluted
doorcase with sidelights and overlight, set back behind a
round arch carried on fluted pilasters with palm-leaf
capitals, which is in turn set back behind a bracketed flat
arch; No.2 has a round-arched entrance with decorative glazing
to fanlight and panelled door with Gothic detail, framed by
fluted pilasters and moulded archivolt; No.3 has a
round-arched entrance with decorative glazing to fanlight. All
windows flat-arched, those to the ground floor having
bracketed balconies with cast-iron railings; No.1 has a blank
window over the entrance and a bracketed balcony with
cast-iron railings to main front; No.3 has a similar bracketed
balcony though with different railings to a shallow segmental
bay at first-floor level; circular window in attic to No.2;
boxed eaves to main front, parapet to outer bays, that to No.1
surmounted by a couchant lion; hipped roofs; dormer to No.1;
stacks to party walls; cast-iron railings to steps of No.2.
Nos 4-6. 2 storeys over basement, No.5 with attic; Nos 4 and 6
with 2 windows each, No.5 with 3. 3-bay centrepiece (No.5)
with Corinthian pilasters, entablature and pediment; Nos 4 and
6 have one window either side of the centrepiece, and an
outer, entrance bay set back. Round-arched entrances, that to
No.4 having Greek key pattern to cornice, to No.5 with
decorative glazing to fanlight, panelled door of original
design, and moulded archivolt, and to No.6 with Greek key
pattern to cornice and panelled door of original design.
Quoins to main block. All windows flat-arched, those to outer
bays of main front set back under an elliptical arch with
bracketed archivolt; first-floor windows to No.5 and inner bay
of No.4 with individual bracketed balconies with cast-iron
railings; dentil cornice to entablature and pediment of No.5
and patera to tympanum; boxed eaves to main front, parapet to
entrance bays, that to No.6 having a curved parapet to ground
floor and the first floor set back; hipped roof; 3 pedimented
dormers to No.5 between cornice stacks; cast-iron railings to
steps of No.5.
Nos 7-9. Nos 8-9 are now one house. 2 storeys over basement
with attics, 3 windows each. 3-bay centrepiece (No.8) with
fluted pilasters, entablature and parapet; Nos 7 and 9 consist
of segmental bays of 2 windows each on either side of the
centrepiece with outer entrance bays set back, though that to
No.9 has been brought forward and the entrance altered to a
window. Round-arched entrance to No.7 with Greek key pattern
to cornice, decorative glazing to fanlight, and panelled door
of original design with the upper panel now glazed; entrance
to No.8 now altered with late C20 porch. Quoins to main front.
All windows flat-arched, those to ground floor of Nos 8-9 with
bracketed balcony with cast-iron railings, those to first
floor of No.8 with individual bracketed balconies with
cast-iron railings; boxed eaves; C20 dormers to Nos 8-9;
stacks to party walls; cast-iron railings to steps of No.8.
Nos 10-12. 2 storeys over basement, Nos 10 and 12 with 2
windows each, No.11 with 3. 3-bay centrepiece (no 11) with
fluted Corinthian pilasters supporting entablature and
pediment; Nos 10 and 12 consist of one bay in main front
either side of centrepiece and an outer, entrance bay probably
originally of one storey only. Nos 10 and 12 have round-arched
entrances set back under a round-arched porch with decorative
glazing to fanlights; No.11 has a flat-arched entrance with
overlight and panelled door of original design. All windows
flat-arched; those to No.11 have slim architraves; continuous
bracketed balconies with cast-iron railings to ground floor;
the entablature covers the whole of the main front, with a
parapet over Nos 10 and 12; hipped roof; stacks to party
walls; cast-iron railings to steps on Nos 10 and 11.
INTERIOR: not inspected.
A plaque over the entrance of No.11 records that Sir Rowland
Hill lived there from 1844 to 1846; Hill was chairman of the
London and Brighton Railway Company from 1843; the novelist
Horace Smith lived at No.10 from 1826 to 1840. This block and
Nos 18-20 are the least altered in Hanover Crescent.
Nos 13-15. 2 storeys over basement, No.14 with attic; Nos
13-14 of windows, No.15 of 2. The main front broadly resembles
Nos 7-9. 3-bay centrepiece (No.12) with fluted pilasters
having ammonite capitals; Nos 13 and 15 have shallow segmental
bays of 2 windows each in the main front with single-storey,
outer, entrance bays set back, though that to No.13 is now of
2 storeys and has been brought forward. No.13 has round-arched
entrance with decorative glazing to fanlight and panelled door
of original design; No.14 has flat-arched entrance with
decorative glazing to overlight; No.15 has round-arched
entrance with fanlight. Quoins to main front. All windows
flat-arched, those to first floor of No.13 having a continuous
bracketed balcony with cast-iron railings; No.15 has
individual replacement balconies; boxed eaves; hipped roof;
No.14 has a dormer between stacks to party walls.
Nos 16-17. 2 storeys over half-basement, No.16 with 2 windows,
No.17 one. The original design probably consisted of a main
front with 2 windows framed by pilasters with abaci carrying a
shallow segmental arch over each window, and a single-storey,
outer, entrance bay set back; the entrance bay of No.16 is now
of 2 storeys, that of No.17 remains of one storey with a
stepped blocking course surmounted by a couchant lion;
flat-arched entrance with overlight to No.16, round-arched
entrance with fanlight and Greek key pattern to cornice to
No.17; 2-storey segmental bay to No.16, single-storey
segmental bay with cornice to No.17; all windows flat-arched;
boxed eaves; hipped roof; stack to party wall.
Nos 18-20. 2 storeys over half-basement, No.19 with attic.
No.18 with 2 windows, No.19 with 3 and No.20 with one. 3-bay
centrepiece (No.19) with fluted pilasters having ammonite
capitals supporting a rudimentary entablature and pediment;
Nos 18 and 20 consist of one window in the main front either
side of the centrepiece and a single-storey, outer, entrance
bay set back, though that to No.18 is now of 2 storeys. Quoins
to main front; all windows flat-arched, those to ground floor
of Nos 19 and 20 having blind boxes and bracketed balconies
with cast-iron railings; flat-arched window in tympanum of
pediment; hipped roof; stacks to party walls. This block, like
Nos 10-12, is less altered than the rest.
Nos 21-24. 2 storeys over half-basement. Nos 21 with 2
windows, the rest with 3. Nos 21-23 form a symmetrical group
with a pediment to No.22 and segmental bays to Nos 21 and 23.
Round-arched entrances except to No.24 which is flat-arched;
that to No.21 with decorative glazing to fanlight and reeded
cornice; the porches of Nos 23 and 24 considerably altered.
No.21 has sashes of original design; No.22 has a blank window
to first floor and patera in the pediment; No.24 has quoins,
and a full-height segmental bay with individual bracketed
balconies with cast-iron railings to ground floor; substantial
additions to rear of No.24; boxed eaves; stacks to party
(Carder T: The Encyclopaedia of Brighton: Lewes: 1990-).
Listing NGR: TQ3174105130