SP3251 WARWICK ROAD, Kineton
1901-1/13/117 (North side)
05/04/67 Church of St Peter
Church. Mid C13 to C15 west tower; rest rebuilt 1775 by
Sanderson Miller, and remodelled 1877-89 by John Belcher; 1897
organ loft and vestry.
MATERIALS: ashlar, and coursed ironstone rubble with ashlar
dressings to tower; slate roofs.
PLAN: 3-bay chancel with north organ loft and vestry, 3-bay
nave with transepts, north aisle and west tower. Sill courses,
but moulded sills to north windows; offset and diagonal
buttresses; top cornice and parapets with crocketed pinnacles;
windows with Perpendicular-style tracery.
EXTERIOR: chancel has pierced quatrefoil parapet to south and
east, plain to north, gable cross; 5-light east window with 3
relief shields above, 3-light windows to south, 2 similar
windows to north side, which has tall gabled organ loft with
4-light north window, and low gabled vestry to east, with
2-light traceried east window, and late C20 addition to north.
Nave has crenellated parapet and gable cross; two 3-light
south windows; transepts have 3-light north and south windows;
north aisle has plain parapet and two 3-light windows.
4-stage tower has offset buttresses and string courses; top
cornice with corbel table and angle gargoyles, traceried
frieze and C19 open-traceried crenellated parapet with 8
crocketed pinnacles, rich wrought-iron wind vane dated 17__;
west entrance of 3 orders, buried bases, 2-light traceried
window above and small light to third stage; clock face and
stair turret to south; top 2-light traceried and louvred
INTERIOR: C19 roofs on corbelled arched braces; chancel has
entrance to vestry with battened door with richly carved head;
double-cusped Gothic-style ashlar Creed, Commandment and
Lord's Prayer tablets to north and south of altar, and 1805
ashlar charity board; chancel arch has rich continuous
moulding; south and west arches to organ loft; nave has 3-bay
north arcade with quatrefoil piers and similar south transept
arch; tower arch has panelled timber infill and paired doors,
gallery above has cusped panels; tower has pointed tunnel
vault to passage with transverse arches, and heavy surrounds
to pointed north and south entrances.
FITTINGS: chancel has mid to late C17 altar table, and reredos
with canopy, similar style C19 organ case, and 1905 chancel
screen with linenfold panelling, tapering pilasters to
openings with scrolly heads, architrave with enriched frieze
and open-work cresting with cross; plain stalls; nave has C19
octagonal font and timber pulpit with double-cusped panels;
painted C18 Creed, Commandment boards have marbled surrounds,
similar Lord's Prayer board to north aisle has cherubs; north
aisle also has 1724 painted Royal Arms; small enclosure to
north aisle has plank door and large iron grille.
MEMORIALS: late C14 recumbent effigy of priest to north
transept window recess; many C18 and C19 floor slabs and wall
tablets, including to chancel: Charles and Sarah Bentley,
d.1727 and 1725, and Diana, d.1743: white and coloured marble
wall tablet with Ionic pilasters and side scrolls, broken
pediment with Bentley Arms, lower panel with foliate apron
with Bentley Arms; Edward Nicholas, d.1745: wall tablet with
side scrolls, broken pediment with Nicholas Arms and enriched
apron. Good brass tablet to John Venour, surgeon, d.1722, to
left of chancel arch, with inscribed Venour Arms, and brass
tablet to nave south wall to Rachel Maides, d.1728.
STAINED GLASS: good C19 east window; chancel north window of
1898, lower part filled with copper repousse panels, other
late C19 and early C20 glass to chancel and transepts.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner, N & Wedgwood, A:
Warwickshire: Harmondsworth: 1966-: 326-7).
Listing NGR: SP3357151080