Grains Barn Farm II Farmhouse and attached farm building, set beneath a common roof structure. Late C17, with C19 and C20 alterations and additions. Coursed rubble sandstone with sandstone dressings, quoins and a stone slate roof covering , laid to diminishing courses.
PLAN: Combined house and outbuilding aligned east-west , with an end -entry house part to the east, and a 3- bay aisled barn to the west, incorporating shippons and a stable in the aisles..
HOUSE. EXTERIOR : Gabled east front with stable entrance to left side, giving access to stable in south aisle of attached outbuilding, with flanking light and 9-pane loft window. House entrance in lean-to section of advanced gabled single storeyed wing to right side. Blocked 3-light mullioned window to centre of elevation, and, further right, a 3 light window with rendered surround and mullions. Above, a 2 light and a 3-light window, both formerly mullioned and with C17 surrounds. C20 extension to single-storeyed wing returns onto north elevation. The side elevation of the house here has a 3 light chamfer mullioned first floor window, and 2 , 2-light ground floor openings with C17 surrounds. INTERIOR. Much C20 remodelling, including hearths. Upper floor with simple C19 dog-leg stair, and exposed fragment of massive braced truss now partially enclosed within late C20 bathroom. Elsewhere, exposed spine beams without mouldings of any kind.
OUTBUILDING: EXTERIOR: South elevation with wide central full -height double doorway with shallow arched head with voussoirs and harr-hung vertically-boarded doors. To right, stable with square stone framed opening and above, a taking- in doorway to its loft. To the left, 2 C19 shippon windows and a doorway with a narrow stone suround. North elevation with arched opening matching that to the south side, but here infilled to provide coal shed and single doorway into barn, with low loft above, within the entrance bay. Inside the voussoired arch, a curved oak timber follows the arch curve. West end of wall, and west gable have tiers of now- blocked slit breathers. INTERIOR: roof supported by 4 pegged king post trusses which carry lapped double side purlins and a ridge purlin. Aisles formed between end wall and masonry cross walls to arched openings by intermediate stone piers which support arcade plates and the tie beams of smaller braced half trusses within the aisle shippons in the west end of the building. Shippons have C19 and C20 standings. House part with void over flat ceiled upper storey, also used as a storage area.
HISTORY: Prior to the most recent alterations to the house, the 2 cell interior contained 2 small unheated rooms, the most northerly of which had a doorway into the north aisle of the barn.
A late C17 combined farmhouse and multi-function aisled farmbuilding displaying the distinctive vernacular building traditions of the area, which demonstrates the longevity of the combined house and byre tradition in the Pennine uplands.
Reference:' English Vernacular Houses' . R.C.H.M.E. 1975, p.182 and plate 32. Listing NGR: SD8381637903
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Books and journals Mercer, Eric, English Vernacular Houses, (1975), 182
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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