662-1/7/30 (North side)
12/11/53 No.7
The Georgian House
(Formerly Listed as:
(North side)
Nos.7 AND 7A) GV II House. Late C18. Doulting stone ashlar, Welsh slate Mansard
roof between coped gables, stone end chimney stacks.
Symmetrical plan, central wide hall to rear transverse
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys with attics, 5 bays. Plinth, moulded
cornice, plain parapet. Twelve-pane sash windows in plain
openings with quintuple-keystoned heads. Central bay 3 has a
projecting stone porch with corner fluted Doric columns on
plinths, full entablature and pediment, framing a pair of
3-panel doors, the inner doors margin-glazed with decorative
semicircular cast-iron fanlight over. The rear has a large
arched staircase sash with Y-bars.
INTERIOR: the entrance porch has a floor with sunk well, all
from one large lias slab. The entrance hall and return
corridor have lias slab flooring, and there is a wide
elliptical arch on broad fluted responds and with panelled
intrados, leading to the transverse staircase with very
slender turned-on-square balusters, scrolled string, and
mahogany wreathed and swept handrail. The large room to the
left has a fluted cornice, and a wide blind recess to the rear
wall, with elliptical head; the C19 white marble fireplace is
also flanked by arched recesses. The room to the right also
with white marble C19 fire surround.
At first floor is a plain elliptical arch from the staircase,
but filled with later doors, and the top flight of the stair
has been modified, but is in matching detail. A first-floor
room, right, has an Art Deco fire surround. Doors are
generally 6-panel, fielded, in wide moulded architraves, and
front windows have original shutters.
Listing NGR: ST5495745903
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