(North side)
Gatehouse and south boundary wall to the Old Deanery
(Formerly Listed as:
(North side)
The Old Deanery) GV
I Gatehouse and boundary walling. C15 much restored. Gatehouse
has ashlar ground floor and dressings, with coursed rubble
above, gabled Welsh slate roof behind battlemented parapets.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, 2 bays. Lower bay 1 has a moulded
4-centred wagon arch with a pair of wooden doors which may be
at least partly medieval; bay 2 a matching pedestrian arch,
above are chamfer-mullioned and transomed 2-light windows with
cinquefoil cusping and square labels, between bays a corbelled
chimney stack, cropped at the lower edge of the parapet.
The inner elevation has a wider segmental arch embracing both
bays, above which, towards the east end, is a 2-light window
without transom, small stair turret to north-west corner. The
soffit over the archway has 2 heavy chamfered beams and
plastered panels. In the wall to the right at ground floor is
a small rectangular light, and a 3-plank door with stopped
moulded frame in a 4-centred flush opening.
INTERIOR: the ground floor has a bedroom, part of a former
stable, with wide braced plank and batten door under a 16-pane
transom-light, and a 3-light stone casement with C17
ovolo-mould mullions and early leaded glazing. The entrance
has a fine overlapping 3-plank door, and under the staircase
is a 4-panel C17 door, with raised fielded panels on the
reverse; over the stair is a deep beam with lamb's-tongue
stop. The first floor single room has in the S wall a stone
fire surround with chamfered square opening; above this is a
floating mantelshelf with a brattished cornice, carried on 3
conical brackets, possibly statue bases.
In the SW corner is an entrance to a former privy, with
hinge-pin, and from the NW corner is a stone spiral staircase
with stone pinnacle.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: extending to the E is a high random
rubble wall with ashlar crenellated coping, with a 4-centred
moulded arched doorway giving to the Wells Museum (qv), at the
eastern end, and finishing to a straight joint. A double wall
extends westwards for about 12m to the Old Deanery (qv), and
beyond this a further 20m of high wall to match, with gateway
(possibly C20) into the former herb garden of William Turner
(1508-1568); this also finishes to a straight joint. Listing NGR: ST5503345919
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