662-1/7/52 (South side)
12/11/53 No.11
East House and Carmelite House and
attached railings and wall GV II House, former Carmelite convent, now divided into flats. Early
C19. Rendered with false ashlar lining, hipped Welsh slate
roof, rendered brick chimney stacks.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys with basement, 3+3+1+4 bays, the east bays
being of later date, and the single bay being the entrance and
projecting gable with gable pediment. Main building has
plinth, and 12-pane sash windows in moulded architraves, the
ground-floor windows being larger. Bay 3 of the west wing
(Carmelite House) has a 6-panel door with 3-pane rectangular
fanlight set in a moulded architrave, the principal entrance
has a segmental-arched recess with baseless Doric columns set
on a podium, two in antics, behind this a pair of wide 3-panel
doors with architrave, flanked by 8-pane sash windows. Above
the entrance is a composite sash window of 3+9+3 panes, in an
The east wing (East House) has three 16-pane sash windows in
plain openings to the ground floor, above which are four C20
small-pane casement windows. Entrance to East House is through
a C20 extension at the rear.
INTERIOR: much adapted in conversion, but the original central
stairway, entrance hall, many doorcases, ceiling cornices, etc
are retained.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: extending from the left of the main
entrance and returning eastwards along the line of the
pavement at about 2m from building is a section of C19
railings with necked rail tops, and urn finials to standards,
then comes a lower ashlar stone wall with segmental topped
coping, with a return in random rubble work with a thicker
coping back t the NE corner of the building. At this point
there is a large segmental-arched coach entrance in ashlar
stonework, with top and coping dressed into the side gable of
No.9 (qv), this combines to enhance the setting the building
and the street scene.
Listing NGR: ST5485145844
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