662-1/7/168 (East side)
12/11/53 No.2
Mullins, and attached boundary wall GV II House at junction with The Liberty, now part of Wells
Cathedral School. Mid to late C18. Doulting ashlar stonework,
Welsh slate mansard roof between ogee curved coped gables, end
chimney stacks, the north rendered and the south in buff
PLAN: symmetrical double-depth plan with narrow entrance hall
and rear open well staircase.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys with attics and basement, 4 bays. Plinth,
cornice, plain parapet, 12-pane sash windows in moulded
architraves, doorway to lower bay 2, a Regency pattern door
with plain transom-light, on 5 concrete steps. The jambs are
plain, replacing a former moulded architrave, which remains to
the head only, moulded pediment on console brackets. Behind
parapet are 4 hipped-roof dormers with 9-pane sash windows.
Single-storey rendered extension with parapet against north
gable, with two segmental-arched 12-pane sash windows, escape
doorway and stairs from attic level. South gable rendered and
The rear elevation also rendered, basically 4-bay, with only 3
dormers, a staircase window to bay 3 is semicircular arched,
with a part-glazed door with segmental arched head under. The
window to lower bay 4 is doubled. To the right an external
flight of stone steps to the basement.
INTERIOR: partly inspected. The main entrance doorway, now
blocked opens to a long narrow hall with modillion cornice,
through a panelled arch to the staircase, with
turned-on-square balusters, Doric newels, and scrolled open
string. The stair rises through both floors; at the first
floor landing is a further arch as below, and a modillion
cornice. There are various original 6-panel doors, and one
first-floor room has a white marble fireplace. The basement
has broad segmental brick vaults, and there is a 2-light flush
stone-mullioned casement in the rear wall.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: extending from SE corner along The
Liberty is a random stone boundary wall about 2m high, with
raked top and brick capping, and swept drops to access towards
end, likewise the wall extends northwards along New Street,
with plain door and then square ashlar gate piers with wooden
gates, both walls important in the streetscape at this very
important corner site in the city. Listing NGR: ST5495145990
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