This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 21 November 2024 to amend the name and address and reformat the text to current standards SD 50 NE
24-1/2/54 WIGAN,
PARSON'S WALK (north side)
Thomas Linacre Centre
Former Wigan Grammar School (Formerly listed as Former Mesnes Building of Wigan College, PARSONS WALK previouslly listed as Mesnes Building of Wigan College) 04/09/97 II
Formerly known as: Mesnes Building of Wigan College.
Formerly known as: Mesnes High School PARSONS WALK.
Formerly known as: Wigan Grammar School PARSONS WALK.
Grammar school, college when surveyed. Dated 1935-7 on foundation stone of central range; by A E Munby; altered. Brick, generally brown of various hues and in various bonds (stretcher, monk) with dressings of red brick in soldier courses, red tile voussoirs, concrete bands, metal windows and pantiled roofs. U-plan formed by three long ranges enclosing a large rectangular forecourt (the south-west side open), with short links from the north-east range to the side ranges, and a tower at the external east corner. Thirties Modernist style. EXTERIOR: two storeys. The tower (facing Mesnes Park Terrace), square in plan, has a narrow doorway at ground floor, a narrow window above this with a small curved concrete balcony, triple square-headed lancets to the third stage, octagonal clock faces to the fourth, a soldier course and concrete band, and a short set-back top stage with pilasters and a pantiled parapet. Otherwise, the architectural fronts are to the forecourt. The south-east range is dominated by a five-window assembly hall over a crypt, with offices in five-and four-window portions to the right successively set-back and lower: the crypt has an arcade of three wide round-headed arches (formerly open but now glazed) with triple keystones, tile voussoirs and an impost band; the hall has five tall square-headed windows with horizontal glazing bars and margin panes (as have all other windows), and a soldier-course parapet; the other portions are in similar style, including a doorway in the first bay with three sided arched concrete surround. The central (north-east) range, 4:5:4 windows, the centre breaking forwards, has similar windows linked by concrete sill and head-bands except the centre which has round-headed windows at first floor with brick keystones, and no bands; the two storey three bay links to left and right have open arcades at ground floor and small windows grouped 1:3:1 at first floor. The north-west range, principally 6:5:6 windows, symmetrical, the centre slightly set back, has a three sided-arched doorway in the centre, a tall round-headed French window above this with a concrete balcony, and fenestration otherwise matching the other ranges; plus a set-back three-window matching extension at the left end. INTERIOR: main staircase between hall and offices with plain brass handrail; hall austerely designed, with plain mahogany-coloured dado, balcony at south end, stage with rectangular proscenium at north end, coffered ceiling; otherwise, altered. Listing NGR: SD5801706187
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