NY 45 SW
Newbiggin Hall Farmhouse and attached outbuildings GV
Farmhouse and attached outbuildings. Dated 1767 with C19 alterations and additions. Coursed squared sandstone with ashlar dressings, brick ridge chimneys with slate roof coverings, laid to diminishing courses, and C20 corrugated sheeting. PLAN: linear arrangement with double pile house to centre, with attached outbuildings to either end forming the northwest side of a U-shaped steading. FRONT (southeast) ELEVATION: 2 storey, 2 bay house to centre of range, apparently refronted C19 in regularly coursed masonry. Central doorway with ashlar surround and lintel inscribed 'l:j:j: 1767'. 4-panel door with upper 2 panes glazed. Flanking the doorway at ground and first floor levels are 4-pane sliding sash windows set within ashlar surrounds with moulded projecting cills. To the left, under the same roof line, a 3 bay stable and trap house with over loft and grain store. Single ground floor opening to left hand end with flanking square windows and 2 tiers of slit breathers above. To the right of these, a pair of over loft doorways, each with plain boarded doors, that to the left giving access to a timber boarded over loft floor, that to the right to a narrow, lime ash floored grain store. Access to upper floor by means of a flight of stone steps with red brick supporting walls incorporating a kennel in the northeast face. Further right, former trap house doorway now infilled to form doorway with flanking window. To the right of the house, a lower 3 bay barn of coursed rubble sandstone beneath a C20 corrugated sheeting roof covering. Full height, arch headed double doorway to centre with planked doors. To left, square opening with slatted shutter; to right, lean to against northeast gable with low doorway to front face. REAR ELEVATION: Masonry of varied pattern, mainly coursed rubble with some snecked work suggesting part rebuilding. House extends northwest wards into rear part of outbuilding. Irregular disposition of window openings, mostly with 4 and 6-pane C19 sashes, one set at half landing level to light stair bay at the centre of the house, and with smaller first floor window to right hand bay house with chamfered surround. Small square brick stack to centre of rear wall, and low single storeyed outbuilding projecting from right hand side of house. Barn to left with 3 doorways, single ground floor window and 2 taking-in doors for former loft. INTERIOR: House part with large jowelled hearth surround with moulded mantle shelf to northeast ground floor room with flanking panelled cupboards to left. Southwest room with smaller lugged surround with mantle shelf and flanking cupboards. Panelled doors with architrave surrounds. Stair to rear with alternating flat and stick balusters. Stable and over lofts with single surviving stall partition, and plain tie beam roof trusses without collars. The farmhouse and attached outbuildings were the home farm to the adjacent Newbiggin Hall (item 33/42) and together with the range of outbuildings to the southeast of the farmhouse (item 33/10007) form a group.
Listing NGR: NY4328850901
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