774-1/27/148 (East side)
25/09/72 Former Eastney House, linking
archway & railings
(Formerly Listed as:
Eastney House, Archway, CO's
Residence, HQ Training Group RM
Eastney Barracks) GV II Includes: Nos.1 AND 2 ROYAL GATE.
Includes: Nos.1 AND 2 CLOCK TOWER DRIVE.
Includes: Nos 1-23 Teapot Row CLOCK TOWER DRIVE.
Officers' quarters, part converted to offices, now flats and
linking archway and attached railings. 1864-1866, designed by
William Scamp for the Admiralty Works Department; converted
1995. Red brick in English bond with brighter-red brick
arches; yellow-brick rusticated angle and dividing pilaster
strips; ashlar plinth band, architraves, 1st-floor sillband
and eaves cornice with blocking course. Slate roofs, that of
former Eastney House and Terrace a hipped mansard with
pedimented dormers. Tall multi-flue brick stacks to party
EXTERIOR: all of 3 storeys with basement and attic. Former
Eastney House and Terrace (now Teapot Row nos 1-23) has south
elevation of 23 bays, the 5 left-hand bays (former Eastney
House) projecting slightly and the rest of the range divided
into 3-bay sections. At east end is archway linking this range
to former Alford House, with former Training Office to rear
(now Clocktower Drive Nos 1 & 2 and Royal Gate Nos 1 & 2).
This is of 4 bays, arranged 2:2 and with 2 attic windows.
Windows have ashlar architraves and are round-arched on ground
floor, segmental-arched above. Attached railings have
spear-headed bars.
Rear (north side) of former Eastney House and Terrace is
similar, but with paired projecting 4-storey entrance bays,
stepped back on 2nd and 3rd floors.
Entrance to former Eastney House is on left (west) end within
single-storey porch with round archway, cornice and blocking
Linking archway has taller carriageway flanked by pedestrian
arches, all round-arched with rusticated piers and arches;
plain cornices and coped parapets above outer arches; deeper
cornice and blocking course over central arch.
East elevation of former Alford House and former Training
Office (Royal Gate Nos 1 & 2) is slightly asymmetrical, of 5+5
bays, those on right projecting slightly. Projecting
full-height entrance bay to bay 3 has part-glazed door with
rusticated surround up stone steps. Similar entrance in
2-storey slight projection with cornice and blocking course at
bay 8. Windows are round-arched on ground floor, flat-arched
above, the 2 left hand bays with blind windows on ground and
2nd floors.
West elevation (Clocktower Drive Nos 1 & 2) has 2 similar
entrances, now windows, and stone architraves to windows.
INTERIOR: Eastney House, formerly the senior officer's
residence, retains some panelled doors and shutters and
decorative plaster ceilings (boxed in). Some similar features
survive in Eastney Terrace.
HISTORY: William Scamp was the assistant director of the
Admiralty Works Department. The carefully laid-out site beside
the seashore reflects its use by Marines; it is also probably
the last large defensible barracks built in the country. Part
of the best and most complete barracks of the post-Crimean War
(Lloyd DW: Buildings of Portsmouth and its Environs:
Portsmouth: 1974-: 84; PSA Drawings Collection, NMR, Swindon:
1864-1865: PTM/2172-2183). Listing NGR: SZ6658898977
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Books and journals Lloyd, D W , Buildings of Portsmouth and its Environs, (1974), 84
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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