16-JUN-06 57-59
Horn Handle Works
Horn Handle Works II
Horn handle works and shop, now workshops. Late C19, phased construction. Red brick with painted stone dressings, hipped slate roofs, brick stacks with ornamental chimney pots. 2 storeys.
Shop: at corner to left of Club Garden Road façade: doorway with overlight at angle, with rectangular projecting bay shop window to right and flat shop window to left return, divided by decorative pilasters and linked by fascia and cornice above. [Doorway and windows boarded up, August 2003.] At angle above doorway, plain panel flanked by canted brick pilasters on stone bases and moulded stone cill. To left and right at first floor, 2-light sash windows with stone cills and chamfered stone lintels. 6-pane top sashes, plate glass below, divided by moulded wooden baluster. Slender stone roll moulding above, extending across the rest of the Club Garden Road façade. Left return has screen wall with doorway (C20 door) with chamfered stone lintel. Sash window with stone cill and chamfered stone lintel above: 8-pane top sash, plate glass below. Straight joint to right, to first floor only. Stack to rear slope of roof.
Works: Club Garden Road façade. Stone plinth. To left, decorative panelled door with overlight in moulded stone surround with cornice. 2 2-light sash windows to ground floor, with chamfered stone cills and lintels. 6-pane top sashes, plate glass below. First floor has sash window above door, with stone cill and chamfered stone lintel, 8-pane top sash, 2-pane below, and 2 similar 2-light windows to right, divided by moulded wooden balusters and with plate glass lower sashes. 3 decorative ventilators. Eaves brackets. Stack between windows, with stone cornice. Chamfered angle to right, at junction with Broom Close.
Broom Close façade, of 2 phases, later section to right forming warehouse. Cellar becomes visible as site slopes to right.
Earlier section, containing works, has stone-capped plinth, 2 pairs of sash windows with chamfered stone cills and lintels. 8-pane top sashes over plate glass. To right, raised above cellar window opening, loading doorway with plain board doors and chamfered lintel. Black-painted band above attempting to obliterate painted lettering reading 'HORN HANDLE WORKS'. First floor has 9 small sash windows (8-pane over plate glass sashes) with stone cills and chamfered stone lintels, these so closely set as to seem continuous. 3 ventilators. Ridge stack at junction with later section, to right, which has central entrance with chamfered stone lintel and plain board doors, flanked by tall single-light windows with chamfered stone cills and lintels. Similar loading doorway above, with steel hoist. Painted lettering to left, reading 'ESTABLISHED 1792'. 2 ventilators.
Rear wall rendered. Rear wall stack.
Sources. Barnwell P S Palmers M, and Airs, M (eds).2004. The Vernacular Workshop. From craft to industry. The Council For British Archaeology pp 136-149. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANCE:
A small-scale late C19 horn handle works, little-altered and representing an important, but little recognised specialist trade which formed part of Sheffield's internationally significant cutlery manufacturing industry in the late C19 and early C20.
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Books and journals Barnwell, P S, Palmers, M, Airs, M (ed), The Vernacular Workshop. From craft to industry, (2004)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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